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Emergency Information

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Quincy College is committed to the safety of all students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campuses. The College has developed this emergency response guide as a reference to the College community in the event of an emergency to protect life and property, minimize injury and damage, restore essential operations and services, and provide communication in a timely manner.

Reporting an Incident

Incidents must be immediately reported by phone to the Security Office at 857-225-1934. Also, you must submit an Incident Report even though a call has been made, and must be submitted to the Resource Office within one working day.

Security Officer Emergency Phone Numbers

  • Quincy Campus Security Officer Phone Number: (857) 225 – 1934
  • Plymouth Campus Security Officer Phone Number: (617) 483 – 3723

Timely Warning Notification

In the event that a situation deemed as an ongoing threat to the College community arises on or off campus, a campus wide “timely warning” notification will be issued by Quincy College. The notification will be issued through the College mass notification system and on the College’s website.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Vice President of Operations, by phone at 617-984-1798, or in person at the Security Office on the 3rd Floor of President’s Place. On the Plymouth Campus, report to the Security officer at the front desk or call 617-483-3723.

Emergency Alerts and Mass Notification System

The mass notification system at Quincy College will send voice, text, and email messages to provide information to the College community. This can be especially useful during severe weather events, school closings, and other emergency situations that the community needs to be aware of immediately. In addition, emergency notifications are posted on television monitors on at both campuses and on the College website.

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Crisis Team

The Quincy College Crisis Team is responsible for coordinating, reviewing, updating, and implementing the College’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). A designated core group of members handle the day-to-day planning, management, and implementation of the plan. The plan is supported by a larger policy team and designated committees.

In the event of an emergency, coordination and organization of all operations at the College shall be directed by the President and the core members of the Crisis Team. The core Crisis Team members, with support from the policy team as needed, implement the strategy and planning of the response; initiate and maintain communication with the College community; collaborate with field personnel and professional emergency response services; issue instructions to particular departments and units; and monitor progress throughout the emergency.

Act/Threat of Violence

This could include a physical altercation, presence of a weapon, a riot, a civil disturbance that is escalating, a written or verbal threat, or other event.


  • Call local police/911 if immediate need is present
  • Always notify a Security Officer
  • Notify a faculty member/supervisor if time permits and it is safe to do so

Take Action

  • A Security Officer will respond to the incident and attempt to bring the matter under control if it is safe to do so
  • If notifying local police, ask for instructions as to what to say/do
  • Evacuation or shelter in place options may need to be considered depending on the nature and extent of the threat. Use best judgment and follow instructions if given from a Security Officer, Crisis Team member, the mass notification system, or local authorities
  • If a threat is imminent and it is not safe to evacuate the area, find a safe place to shelter out of the immediate vicinity of the incident
  • If it is safe to vacate the area, use the nearest exit and move quickly and calmly. Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building


Active Shooter


  • Call 911
  • Notify a Security Officer or Supervisor if safe to do so

Take Action

  • If you are unable to immediately seek safety, escape danger by fleeing from the scene or sheltering in place. If confrontation with an active shooter is imminent, attempt to disarm the shooter as a last resort. Run, Hide, Fight.
  • When notifying police, ask for instructions as to what to say/do
  • Follow instructions of police, Security Officers, Crisis Team members, and the mass notification system
  • Evacuation or shelter in place options may be considered, depending on the nature and extent of the threat
  • If instructed to evacuate:
    • Be cognizant of the risk of exposure by moving from your location; maintain awareness of activities and potential threats around you
    • If you know it is not safe to evacuate, shelter in place and notify the police immediately (if safe to do so)
    • Use the nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly – Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building
  • If instructed to shelter:
    • Stop what you are doing right away (i.e., classes, work, and business operations)
    • Stop where you are and look for the best accessible space for sheltering
    • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors (where possible), and any other openings to the outside where possible. If doors are not able to be locked, move a piece of furniture in front of the door to block entrance to the room
    • Close the window shades, blinds, or curtains
    • Have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Be mindful that cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency
    • Bring everyone into the room(s)
    • Be alert for mass notification updates until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. These updates may call for evacuation of specific areas

After the Incident

  • The Student Development Office and Human Resources will provide information on support services for those interested

Bomb Threat


  • Immediately call 911
  • If by phone – Keep caller on the line and record all information you can before they hang up, including: time of call; exact location of the threat; time of potential detonation; caller voice description (sex, age, etc.); background noises; exact wording of the threat
  • If by email or social media – Save and record the message in any form you are able (save the email; take a screen shot; write down the message, time sent, and any sender information); and send to police and your supervisor
  • If by sight – do not touch the item; clear people from the area in a calm manner and notify authorities
  • Notify a Security Officer or supervisor after police are called

Take Action

  • If notifying local police, ask for instructions as to what to say/do
  • Evacuation will likely be ordered
    • Use the nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly
    • Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building
    • Report to the designated assembly area unless instructed to do otherwise
    • Do not reenter the building until an emergency responder agency or
    • Quincy College official instructs to do so

Chemical/ Hazaradous Materials Spill/Leak


  • Notify a Security Officer and departmental supervisor
  • Call 911 if there is a potential immediate threat to safety (including if a substance is unknown)

Take Action

  • Communicate to those in the immediate area that there was a release and avoid contact with the area until it is cleaned/cleared
  • Follow the instructions of the Security Officer and/or other official once they arrive
  • Evacuation or shelter in place options may be considered, depending on the nature and extent of the threat
  • If instructed to evacuate:
    • Use the nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly
    • Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building
    • Report to the designated assembly area unless instructed to do otherwise
    • Do not reenter the building until an emergency responder agency or
      Quincy College official instructs to do so
  • If instructed to shelter:
    • Stop what you are doing right away (i.e., classes, work, and business
    • Stop where you are and look for the best accessible space for sheltering. Do not risk exposure by moving to another building whether by foot or by vehicle
    • Select interior room(s) with the fewest windows or vents such as large storage closets, utility rooms, and copy and conference rooms without exterior windows
    • Avoid selecting a room with mechanical equipment (ventilation blowers or pipes)
    • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors (where possible), and any other openings to the outside, where possible
    • Have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Be mindful that cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency
    • Bring everyone into the room(s)
    • Be alert for mass notification updates until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. These updates may call for evacuation of specific areas

Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens/Human Fluids


  • Notify departmental supervisor
  • Notify a Security Officer

Take Action

  • Communicate to those in the immediate area that there was an accident and contact with the area should be avoided until it is cleaned/cleared
  • Follow the instructions of the Security Officer and/or other official once they arrive, this may include vacating the area or remaining to provide some assistance
  • A Security Officer will notify the appropriate authorities/maintenance crew to
    respond to the incident
  • A Security Officer, Crisis Team member or local responder agency official
    may instruct that the area be evacuated until the incident is resolved (they will
    determine the appropriate area). If instructed to evacuate:

    • Use the nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly
    • Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building
    • Report to the designated assembly area unless instructed to do otherwise
    • Do not reenter the building until an emergency responder agency or
    • Quincy College official instructs to do so



  • If a fire or smoke is noticed before an alarm sounds, activate the alarm via a manual pull station
  • Notify local police and fire department
  • If you know the cause of the fire, notify an emergency responder, a Security Officer, a faculty member, or a supervisor after safely evacuating the building. This will be useful information for responders

Take Action

  • All building occupants must evacuate a building when the fire alarm is activated or when instructed to do so by a Security Officer, Quincy College Fire Marshal, local emergency responder agency, or property management/building official
  • Building occupants should follow egress signs to exit
    • Each Quincy College building has building/floor egress route maps in
      all classrooms (and some hallways)
  • Elevators should not be used; occupants should exit by way of accessible stairwells
  • Evacuation must be timely and orderly; do not stop or stay in the area in order to retrieve personal belongings
  • Use nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly and proceed to designated assembly area
  • If you cannot evacuate, move to the nearest window and signal for help
  • Do not reenter the building until an emergency response agency or Quincy
    College official instructs to do so

Presidents Place Evacuation Rally Location Map

Download the Evacuation Rally Location Map

After the Incident

  • When safe to re-enter, report any noticed damage to a Security Officer, faculty member, or supervisor
  • Classes/offices will be relocated if needed

Medical Emergency


  • Call 911 or Local EMS
  • Notify a Security Officer
  • Notify a faculty member or supervisor once the appropriate medical assistance has been sought

Take Action

  • Assist in keeping a crowd from forming around the victim, this can impede emergency response and increase anxiety for the victim
  • A Security Officer will provide first responder care until emergency responder assistance arrives
  • Follow the instructions of the Security Officer, assistance may be required such as retrieving an AED or first aid kit

After the Incident

  • The Student Development Office and Human Resources will provide information on support services if an incident has affected students, faculty or staff


A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread throughout a population. Depending on the disease, transmission, prevention, and treatment will vary.
Examples of Modern Pandemics of Concern

  • Viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola)
  • Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms (also known as “superbugs”)
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  • Influenza (Flu)
  • H5N1 (Avian Flu)

Take Action: Prevention Measures

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water or alcohol based hand cleansers
  • Avoid contact with people you think might be ill
  • Stay home from school or work when you are sick
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend in your arm
  • Wash your hands (for at least 20 seconds) multiple times during the course of the day
  • Keep a distance of six feet from others if possible while in crowds or public spaces
  • Clean common areas/equipment, computers, phones, office equipment more often
  • In severe pandemic environments, avoid travel on taxis, buses, trains, and airplanes
  • Stay current on health news
  • If you are sick with flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention and do not return to school or work unless you are fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medicine
  • Receive annual vaccines such as the influenza vaccine

Power Outage


  • Notify a Security Officer, faculty member, or supervisor

Take Action

  • Provide any known information to the Security Officer, faculty member, or supervisor on the source, location, and extent of the outage
  • Evacuation may be considered, depending on the nature and extent of the threat
    • Since this may not be an emergency evacuation situation, follow instructions provided for this specific situation (may include leaving the premises for the day, reporting to alternate office/classroom, or reporting to a designated assembly area)
    • Do not reenter the building/area until an emergency responder agency or Quincy College official instructs to do

After the Incident

  • When safe to re-enter, all staff should inventory work spaces and report any damage to a supervisor
  • Classes/offices will be relocated if needed

Severe Weather


  • If the College is aware that a weather condition is approaching that requires action, they will notify the College community via the mass notification system
  • Call 911 or a Security Officer if there is an incident that has caused damage or there is a need for medical attention

Take Action

  • Follow instructions of Security Officers, Crisis Team members, the mass notification system, and first responders
  • Evacuation or shelter in place options may be considered, depending on the nature and extent of the threat
  • If instructed to shelter:
    • Stop what you are doing right away (i.e., classes, work, and business operations)
    • Stop where you are and look for the best accessible space for sheltering. Do not risk exposure by moving to another building whether by foot or by vehicle
    • Select interior room(s) with the fewest windows or vents. Choose a location on the lowest floor possible. The room(s) should
      have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit in.
    • Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary. Large storage
      closets, utility rooms, and copy and conference rooms without exterior
      windows work well
    • Avoid selecting a room with mechanical equipment (ventilation blowers or pipes)
    • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors (where possible), and any
      other openings to the outside, where possible
  • Have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Be mindful that cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency. It is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in the room(s) you select
    • Bring everyone into the room(s)
    • Be alert for mass notification updates until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. These updates may call for evacuation of specific areas
  • If instructed to evacuate:
    • Use the nearest exit, moving quickly and calmly – Follow egress routes to exit your floor and/or building
    • It is likely designated outdoor assembly areas will not be suitable – follow instructions on assembly areas or use best judgment to
      remain safe
    • Be cognizant of the risk of exposure by moving from your location; maintain awareness of activities and potential risks around you
    • If you know it is not safe to evacuate, shelter in place and notify the police immediately
    • Do not reenter the building until an emergency responder agency or Quincy College official instructs to do so

After the Incident

  • When safe to re-enter, all students, faculty, and staff should inventory work spaces and/or report any damage
  • Classes/offices will be relocated if needed
  • The Student Development Office and Human Resources will provide information on support services if this incident has affected students, faculty or staff


Suicide Attempt or Threat


  • Call local police/911 if immediate need is present
  • Notify a Resource Officer
  • Notify a Student Success Coach who can a mental health facility or other emergency support service in the area
  • Notify a faculty member or supervisor if time permits or after the incident is stabilized

Take Action

  • Stay calm and talk reassuringly to the person until help arrives. Be direct in asking about what is bothering them
  • When a Resource Officer, Student Success Coach , or emergency responder arrives, they will take over the situation and attempt to bring the matter under control
  • If the individual becomes violent to others, you may need to follow shelter or evacuation protocols

After the Incident

  • The Student Development Office and Human Resources will provide information on support services if this incident has affected students or staf

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