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[post_date] => 2020-03-12 12:02:34
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-03-12 16:02:34
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[post_title] => On-Campus Classes & Activities Cancelled, Moved to Remote Learning
[post_excerpt] => Monday, March 16th through Saturday, March 28th all on-campus classes and activities are cancelled for both the Quincy and Plymouth Campuses. All online classes will continue as scheduled. All clinical assignments will continue as long as the clinical sites are open.
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2020-03-24 20:57:16
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[date_start_date] => March 16, 2020
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March 16th through March 29th
Monday, March 16th through Saturday, March 29th all on-campus classes and activities are cancelled for both the Quincy and Plymouth Campuses, and have moved to remote teaching and learning for the balance of the Spring Semester.
All online classes will continue as scheduled.
Both the Quincy and Plymouth campus buildings are closed to the public, including the Student Lounge, the Health & Wellness Center, the Tutoring Center, the Testing Center, and the Library.
During this time, Administrative staff are available to assist you via email at register@quincycollege.edu or through our website chat function to handle any of your academic advising, admissions, enrollment, financial aid, registrar, and student accounts needs in regards to registering for Spring, Summer and Fall semesters.
Staff are available to assist you. We’re here to help.
For more information please visit the Health Information page. Click here to view the Health Information page>>
[event_image] => Array
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[alt] => Quincy College Health Information Updates
[author] => 22
[description] => Quincy College Health Information Updates
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[date] => 2020-03-12 16:15:37
[modified] => 2020-03-12 16:16:18
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[meta_description] => Monday, March 16th through Saturday, March 28th all on-campus classes and activities are cancelled for both the Quincy and Plymouth Campuses. All online cl
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[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2018-08-24 15:43:01
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-08-24 19:43:01
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Courses
[post_excerpt] => View the current course schedule. Quincy College can get you where you need to be, whether you’re looking to earn a degree, take a single class, continue your education or change your career. Quincy College offers the programs you want, the flexibility you need and the price that makes it all possible.
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[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2015-02-09 20:53:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2015-02-09 20:53:23
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Areas of Study
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College is a unique learning environment where cultures meet, join forces, and weave a global context around college academics.
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[post_date] => 2015-10-26 14:48:59
[post_date_gmt] => 2015-10-26 14:48:59
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Student Life
[post_excerpt] => It's easy to get involved at Quincy College. Opportunities to engage in your passions and interests can be found throughout the College.
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On-Campus Classes & Activities Cancelled, Moved to Remote Learning
March 16, 2020 - March 29, 2020
March 16th through March 29th
Monday, March 16th through Saturday, March 29th all on-campus classes and activities are cancelled for both the Quincy and Plymouth Campuses, and have moved to remote teaching and learning for the balance of the Spring Semester.
All online classes will continue as scheduled.
Both the Quincy and Plymouth campus buildings are closed to the public, including the Student Lounge, the Health & Wellness Center, the Tutoring Center, the Testing Center, and the Library.
During this time, Administrative staff are available to assist you via email at register@quincycollege.edu or through our website chat function to handle any of your academic advising, admissions, enrollment, financial aid, registrar, and student accounts needs in regards to registering for Spring, Summer and Fall semesters.
Staff are available to assist you. We’re here to help.
For more information please visit the Health Information page. Click here to view the Health Information page>>