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[post_date] => 2020-10-09 17:25:13
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-10-09 21:25:13
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[post_title] => Activating a Growth Mindset
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[top] => Join us for a discussion about breaking barriers and becoming the person you mean to be!
[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => October 15, 2020
[date] => 20201015
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Thursday, October 15th
12:00PM on Zoom
Activating a Growth Mindset
What does it mean to overcome mental blocks and barriers? How do we grow as individuals and contributing members of a society as whole?
Learn some strategies for personal growth and join the discussion on Zoom!
Zoom invite: https://quincycollege.zoom.us/j/82360582021?pwd=b2pTcmVRRmhuaC9Tb0REaC9pWHExQT09
Meeting ID: 823 6058 2021
Passcode: 970845
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Activating a Growth Mindset
Join us for a discussion about breaking barriers and becoming the person you mean to be!
Thursday, October 15th
12:00PM on Zoom
Activating a Growth Mindset
What does it mean to overcome mental blocks and barriers? How do we grow as individuals and contributing members of a society as whole?
Learn some strategies for personal growth and join the discussion on Zoom!
Zoom invite: https://quincycollege.zoom.us/j/82360582021?pwd=b2pTcmVRRmhuaC9Tb0REaC9pWHExQT09
Meeting ID: 823 6058 2021
Passcode: 970845