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[top] => What does it mean to become an Ally?
[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => October 29, 2020
[date] => 20201029
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What is Social Justice and What does it mean to be an Ally?
with Guest Speaker Charles McCrea, Diversity and Equity Consultant
Thursday, October 29th at 5:00pm
This is your change to ask questions, learn about social justice, and share thoughts on being or becoming an Ally! Join us for a lively discussion on all these current issues and more.
Join us Zoom!
Meeting ID: 984 4244 4398
Passcode: 412904
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Being An Ally | Virtual Event
What does it mean to become an Ally?
What is Social Justice and What does it mean to be an Ally?
with Guest Speaker Charles McCrea, Diversity and Equity Consultant
Thursday, October 29th at 5:00pm
This is your change to ask questions, learn about social justice, and share thoughts on being or becoming an Ally! Join us for a lively discussion on all these current issues and more.
Join us Zoom!
Meeting ID: 984 4244 4398
Passcode: 412904