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[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Bystander Training | Student Success Office | 11/2/2017 12:00PM | Quincy Campus
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Quincy College Bystander Training
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Room 325, Presidents Place
Bystander Training provides students with a better understanding of what to do when they see suspicious activity. This training will provide students with information and resources on what a ‘bystander’ is, as well as how students can help assist in need.
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[post_title] => Criminal Justice
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Criminal Justice Associate Degree Program | This program is designed to prepare students for entry level positions in the criminal justice profession or to provide additional training
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Bystander Training | Quincy Campus
Quincy College Bystander Training
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Room 325, Presidents Place
Bystander Training provides students with a better understanding of what to do when they see suspicious activity. This training will provide students with information and resources on what a ‘bystander’ is, as well as how students can help assist in need.