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Career Talks: Steps to Attain an Internship
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 9:30am-10:30am
This is a live virtual event via Zoom.
Learn how to prepare for an internship. Apply what you’re learning in the classroom and get real work experience to better prepare you for promising career.
To join this live event, go to https://quincycollege.zoom.us/j/98226357933?pwd=OG1lYXJYSDJvYmh6WGR2UFVTeG1UUT09
Meeting ID# 982 2635 7933
Learn more about the Quincy College Career Center>>
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Career Talks | Virtual Event
Steps to Attain an Internship
Career Talks: Steps to Attain an Internship
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 9:30am-10:30am
This is a live virtual event via Zoom.
Learn how to prepare for an internship. Apply what you’re learning in the classroom and get real work experience to better prepare you for promising career.
To join this live event, go to https://quincycollege.zoom.us/j/98226357933?pwd=OG1lYXJYSDJvYmh6WGR2UFVTeG1UUT09
Meeting ID# 982 2635 7933
Learn more about the Quincy College Career Center>>