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[post_date] => 2017-09-07 13:39:03
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-09-07 17:39:03
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[post_title] => Employer Spotlight: Hyatt Hotel
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Employer Spotlight | Hyatt Hotel | 9/26/2017 11AM-1PM | Quincy Campus Presidents Place 3rd Floor
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[top] => Employer Spotlight is your opportunity to meet with employers informally and learn more about their company, internships and job opportunities.
[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => September 26, 2017
[date] => 20170926
[content] =>
Hyatt Hotel
Date: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Location: 3rd floor of Presidents Place, Quincy Campus

About the Company
With the Hyatt hotel, there are more than 95,000 Hyatt colleagues in 500-plus properties on six continents; we serve millions of guests annually; and we work with hundreds of hotel owners, managers, suppliers, and community partners. Through our vast network of relationships, we believe we have an opportunity to make a real difference.
Our values – Respect, Integrity, Humility, Empathy, Creativity and Fun – are our guiding principles and they have shaped our culture over the years. By joining Hyatt, you will have a unique opportunity to experience ‘authentic hospitality’ as one of our colleagues. You will continue to learn new skills and acquire additional knowledge, and develop in your career to fulfill your personal and professional goals.
Website: http://www.hyatt.jobs/why-join-hyatt/
Click here to learn more about about Career Services at Quincy College.
For more information on the Employer Spotlight please click here.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-02-09 20:39:07
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[post_title] => Student Career Center
[post_excerpt] => The Career Center provides a comprehensive approach to career and life planning offering a wide array of services, resources, and programs.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-10-26 14:48:59
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[post_title] => Student Life
[post_excerpt] => It's easy to get involved at Quincy College. Opportunities to engage in your passions and interests can be found throughout the College.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-04-17 20:25:53
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[post_title] => Alumni: Stay Connected
[post_excerpt] => Our mission is to engage alumni and students in programs, events and services that energize interest, build loyalty and strengthen support of Quincy College.
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Employer Spotlight: Hyatt Hotel
Employer Spotlight is your opportunity to meet with employers informally and learn more about their company, internships and job opportunities.
Hyatt Hotel
Date: Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Location: 3rd floor of Presidents Place, Quincy Campus

About the Company
With the Hyatt hotel, there are more than 95,000 Hyatt colleagues in 500-plus properties on six continents; we serve millions of guests annually; and we work with hundreds of hotel owners, managers, suppliers, and community partners. Through our vast network of relationships, we believe we have an opportunity to make a real difference.
Our values – Respect, Integrity, Humility, Empathy, Creativity and Fun – are our guiding principles and they have shaped our culture over the years. By joining Hyatt, you will have a unique opportunity to experience ‘authentic hospitality’ as one of our colleagues. You will continue to learn new skills and acquire additional knowledge, and develop in your career to fulfill your personal and professional goals.
Website: http://www.hyatt.jobs/why-join-hyatt/
Click here to learn more about about Career Services at Quincy College.
For more information on the Employer Spotlight please click here.