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[post_date] => 2019-02-14 15:12:43
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[post_title] => Engineers Week Guest Speaker: Jason Walker | Quincy Campus
[post_excerpt] => Engineers Week Guest Speaker: Jason Walker from Waypoint Robotics | February 20, 2019 at 3:00pm on the Quincy Campus, Quincy College
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Career Opportunities in Robotics with Guest Speaker Jason Walker, Co-Founder of Waypoint Robotics
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Engineering Lab, S100, Quincy Campus
1250 Hancock Street, Quincy MA 02169
Presentation followed by a question and answer session.
About the Speaker
Jason Walker is the CEO and co-founder of Waypoint Robotics (formerly Stanley Robotics). Waypoint is focused on making autonomous mobile robots accessible to more people and companies. Prior to founding Waypoint, Mr. Walker was the cofounder and Director of Operations at CyPhy Works. Mr. Walker also served as Lead Roboticist and Principal Investigator for CyPhy Works’ contracts with agencies such as DARPA, NIST, and the National Science Foundation. Mr. Walker has 17+ years of experience in product and business development, including B2B, consumer, and government markets. Prior to co-founding CyPhy Works he was the quality, reliability, and testing manager for the Roomba vacuuming robot at iRobot. Walker received a BSEE with a concentration in Robotics and Control Systems from Kansas State University and is a lifelong entrepreneur.
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Engineers Week Guest Speaker: Jason Walker | Quincy Campus
Career Opportunities in Robotics with Guest Speaker Jason Walker, Co-Founder of Waypoint Robotics
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Engineering Lab, S100, Quincy Campus
1250 Hancock Street, Quincy MA 02169
Presentation followed by a question and answer session.
About the Speaker
Jason Walker is the CEO and co-founder of Waypoint Robotics (formerly Stanley Robotics). Waypoint is focused on making autonomous mobile robots accessible to more people and companies. Prior to founding Waypoint, Mr. Walker was the cofounder and Director of Operations at CyPhy Works. Mr. Walker also served as Lead Roboticist and Principal Investigator for CyPhy Works’ contracts with agencies such as DARPA, NIST, and the National Science Foundation. Mr. Walker has 17+ years of experience in product and business development, including B2B, consumer, and government markets. Prior to co-founding CyPhy Works he was the quality, reliability, and testing manager for the Roomba vacuuming robot at iRobot. Walker received a BSEE with a concentration in Robotics and Control Systems from Kansas State University and is a lifelong entrepreneur.