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[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2017-12-05 10:42:21
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-12-05 15:42:21
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[post_title] => Food Drive
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Food Drive | Interfaith Social Services & Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless | 11/20-12/8/17
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[top] => Non-Perishable Items Only
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[date_start_date] => November 20, 2017
[date] => 20171208
[content] =>
Food Drive
Donations on the Quincy Campus will go to Interfaith Social Services. Donations on the Plymouth Campus will go to Plymouth Area Coalition for the homeless.
Drop Off Locations
Quincy Campus
- Admissions Office | 1st Floor, Presidents Place
- Business Office | Suite 203, 2nd Floor, Presidents Place
- Student Lounge | 3rd Floor, Presidents Place
- Dean’s Office | 4th Floor, Presidents Place
- Nicastro Learning Center | 5th Floor, Presidents Place
- Presidents Office | Suite 706N, 7th Floor, Presidents Place
Plymouth Campus
- Registrar’s Office |Lobby
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[alt] => Quincy College Food Drive | Quincy & Plymouth Campuses
[author] => 22
[description] => Event: Quincy College Food Drive (Non-Perishable Items Only) | Quincy & Plymouth Campuses
[caption] =>
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[date] => 2017-12-05 15:40:32
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[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2015-10-26 14:48:59
[post_date_gmt] => 2015-10-26 14:48:59
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[post_title] => Student Life
[post_excerpt] => It's easy to get involved at Quincy College. Opportunities to engage in your passions and interests can be found throughout the College.
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[post_date] => 2015-10-26 18:34:48
[post_date_gmt] => 2015-10-26 18:34:48
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Clubs & Organizations
[post_excerpt] => Student Clubs and Organizations at Quincy College offer the opportunity to be involved in many different ways – on campus and in the community.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-04-17 20:25:53
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Alumni: Stay Connected
[post_excerpt] => Our mission is to engage alumni and students in programs, events and services that energize interest, build loyalty and strengthen support of Quincy College.
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[post_date] => 2015-09-28 19:47:11
[post_date_gmt] => 2015-09-28 23:47:11
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Human Services
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College's Human Services program is geared towards students who are passionate about empowering others, enhancing social functioning, and promoting multiculturalism.
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Food Drive
November 20, 2017 - December 8, 2017
Non-Perishable Items Only
Food Drive
Donations on the Quincy Campus will go to Interfaith Social Services. Donations on the Plymouth Campus will go to Plymouth Area Coalition for the homeless.
Drop Off Locations
Quincy Campus
- Admissions Office | 1st Floor, Presidents Place
- Business Office | Suite 203, 2nd Floor, Presidents Place
- Student Lounge | 3rd Floor, Presidents Place
- Dean’s Office | 4th Floor, Presidents Place
- Nicastro Learning Center | 5th Floor, Presidents Place
- Presidents Office | Suite 706N, 7th Floor, Presidents Place
Plymouth Campus
- Registrar’s Office |Lobby