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[ID] => 22567
[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2018-09-07 16:51:02
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-09-07 20:51:02
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[post_title] => Hancock Adams Common Dedication
[post_excerpt] => Hancock Adams Common Dedication | Quincy College is open on Saturday, September 8 from 9am – 1pm.
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[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => September 8, 2018
[date] => 20180908
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Hancock Adams Common Dedication
Quincy College is open on Saturday, September 8 from 9am – 1pm.
Please note that the dedication of the Hancock Adams Common is taking place at 10:30am and we expect significant traffic in the area. Hancock Street will be closed to traffic from Dimmock Street to Coddington Street with the exception of access parking at Presidents Place throughout the day on Saturday, September 8. Parking will be free at the Presidents Place garage throughout the day. View more information about the event>>
Alternatively you may take the MBTA to the Quincy Center station and walk through the new Common on the way to the Quincy Campus. View more information about the Quincy Center T Stop>>
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[alt] => Hancock/Adams Common- Quincy, MA
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Hancock Adams Common Dedication
Hancock Adams Common Dedication
Quincy College is open on Saturday, September 8 from 9am – 1pm.
Please note that the dedication of the Hancock Adams Common is taking place at 10:30am and we expect significant traffic in the area. Hancock Street will be closed to traffic from Dimmock Street to Coddington Street with the exception of access parking at Presidents Place throughout the day on Saturday, September 8. Parking will be free at the Presidents Place garage throughout the day. View more information about the event>>
Alternatively you may take the MBTA to the Quincy Center station and walk through the new Common on the way to the Quincy Campus. View more information about the Quincy Center T Stop>>