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[post_title] => Heroes to Huskies | Quincy Campus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College | Northeastern University College of Professional Studies | Heroes to Huskies | 11/1/17 6PM-8PM | Quincy Campus
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[top] => On the Spot Admissions Event for Community College Student Veterans.
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[date_start_date] => November 1, 2017
[date] => 20171101
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Heroes to Huskies
November 1, 2017
Student Lounge, 3rd Floor, Presidents Place
Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies on the spot admissions event for community college student veterans.
Register by emailing b.mccaffrey@northeastern.edu
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Heroes to Huskies | Quincy Campus
On the Spot Admissions Event for Community College Student Veterans.
Heroes to Huskies
November 1, 2017
Student Lounge, 3rd Floor, Presidents Place
Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies on the spot admissions event for community college student veterans.
Register by emailing b.mccaffrey@northeastern.edu