WP_Post Object
[ID] => 17746
[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2017-03-02 16:38:45
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-03-02 21:38:45
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Jordan's Polar Plunge
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => jordans-polar-plunge
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[post_modified] => 2017-03-02 16:38:45
[post_modified_gmt] => 2017-03-02 21:38:45
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[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => March 4, 2017
[date] => 20170304
[content] =>
Every year the Jordan Hospital Club holds the Jordan’s Polar Plunge as a means of raising funds for those in need. The plunge involves intrepid souls diving, or just dipping their feet, into the ocean at Nelson’s Beach. This year’s Plunge will take place on Saturday, March 4, 2017 at 10:30 AM – 12:30pm, at Nelson’s Park in Plymouth. Registration starts at 10:30 am and the Plunge is at 12:00 pm.
President Tsaffaras plans to take the “plunge” again this year. This will be the eighth time in five years that he will brave the elements and take a polar plunge for charity.
Donate Online
Ocean swimming in March not your thing? Pledge a contribution to Jordan Hospital Club Cancer Center on behalf of those who are swimming. Please consider a $5 to $10 as we hope to raise at least $500 for the Jordan Hospital Club on behalf of Quincy College. To donate to our team online through the Jordan’s Polar Plunge website please click here: https://www.crowdrise.com/jordans-polar-plunge
Donate by Check
Please make checks payable to the “Jordan Hospital Club”
Please send donations through inter-office mail to the following recipients:
- Quincy Campus: Attention Donna Brugman, 1250 Hancock Street, Presidents Place 7th Floor
- Plymouth Campus: Attention Carolyn Collins, 36 Cordage Park Circle
Register to Plunge
Please consider joining the Quincy College Polar Plunge team. For Online Registration click REGISTER at the following link: https://www.crowdrise.com/jordans-polar-plunge
Maps: http://www.seeplymouth.com/beaches-and-parks/nelsons-beach-park
- Nelson Park is at the junction of Nelson and Water Streets.
- Event organizers proclaim that there is really no parking at Nelson Park (barely enough room for the registration tent, emergency vehicles and handicapped parking) – BUT there are lots of public parking lots in the area, as well as many side streets.
Parking will be in the Town lots along Water Street – in front of the former Ocean Spray building, in front of East Bay Grille, etc.
From the Quincy Campus (1250 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA):
- Get on MA-3 S in Braintree from Thomas E. Burgin Pkwy
- Follow MA-3 S to Main St in Kingston. Take exit 9 from MA-3 S
- Turn left and follow Main St and Court St to Nelson St in Plymouth
- Turn left onto Nelson St, Nelson Park is ahead at the junction of Water Street.
- Please park in the town lots along Water Street.
From the Plymouth Campus (36 Cordage Park Circle, Plymouth, MA):
- Turn left and follow Main St and Court St to Nelson St in Plymouth
- Turn left onto Nelson St, Nelson Park is ahead at the junction of Water Street.
- Please park in the town lots along Water Street.
This is a family event, whether you plunge or not you are welcome to attend.
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[alt] => Jordan's Polar Plunge
[author] => 22
[description] => Image of Jordan's Polar Plunge
[caption] =>
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[date] => 2017-03-02 20:59:02
[modified] => 2017-03-02 20:59:32
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[post_author] => 22
[post_date] => 2016-03-04 15:38:15
[post_date_gmt] => 2016-03-04 20:38:15
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => Plymouth Campus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Plymouth campus is a perfect fit for any student interested in achieving academic goals without leaving the south shore.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-02-09 20:37:18
[post_content] =>
[post_title] => About Quincy College
[post_excerpt] => The college offers 35 associate degree programs and 24 certificate programs in a variety of disciplines.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2016-08-29 13:27:34
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[post_title] => Best In Class
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College has been ranked #1 as the top college in MA for Adult Learners, and #16 nationally across 2-year colleges by Washington Monthly Magazine.
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Jordan's Polar Plunge
Every year the Jordan Hospital Club holds the Jordan’s Polar Plunge as a means of raising funds for those in need. The plunge involves intrepid souls diving, or just dipping their feet, into the ocean at Nelson’s Beach. This year’s Plunge will take place on Saturday, March 4, 2017 at 10:30 AM – 12:30pm, at Nelson’s Park in Plymouth. Registration starts at 10:30 am and the Plunge is at 12:00 pm.
President Tsaffaras plans to take the “plunge” again this year. This will be the eighth time in five years that he will brave the elements and take a polar plunge for charity.
Donate Online
Ocean swimming in March not your thing? Pledge a contribution to Jordan Hospital Club Cancer Center on behalf of those who are swimming. Please consider a $5 to $10 as we hope to raise at least $500 for the Jordan Hospital Club on behalf of Quincy College. To donate to our team online through the Jordan’s Polar Plunge website please click here: https://www.crowdrise.com/jordans-polar-plunge
Donate by Check
Please make checks payable to the “Jordan Hospital Club”
Please send donations through inter-office mail to the following recipients:
- Quincy Campus: Attention Donna Brugman, 1250 Hancock Street, Presidents Place 7th Floor
- Plymouth Campus: Attention Carolyn Collins, 36 Cordage Park Circle
Register to Plunge
Please consider joining the Quincy College Polar Plunge team. For Online Registration click REGISTER at the following link: https://www.crowdrise.com/jordans-polar-plunge
Maps: http://www.seeplymouth.com/beaches-and-parks/nelsons-beach-park
- Nelson Park is at the junction of Nelson and Water Streets.
- Event organizers proclaim that there is really no parking at Nelson Park (barely enough room for the registration tent, emergency vehicles and handicapped parking) – BUT there are lots of public parking lots in the area, as well as many side streets.
Parking will be in the Town lots along Water Street – in front of the former Ocean Spray building, in front of East Bay Grille, etc.
From the Quincy Campus (1250 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA):
- Get on MA-3 S in Braintree from Thomas E. Burgin Pkwy
- Follow MA-3 S to Main St in Kingston. Take exit 9 from MA-3 S
- Turn left and follow Main St and Court St to Nelson St in Plymouth
- Turn left onto Nelson St, Nelson Park is ahead at the junction of Water Street.
- Please park in the town lots along Water Street.
From the Plymouth Campus (36 Cordage Park Circle, Plymouth, MA):
- Turn left and follow Main St and Court St to Nelson St in Plymouth
- Turn left onto Nelson St, Nelson Park is ahead at the junction of Water Street.
- Please park in the town lots along Water Street.
This is a family event, whether you plunge or not you are welcome to attend.