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[top] => Meet Quincy College President Richard DeCristofaro, Ed.D.
[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => November 12, 2020
[date] => 20201112
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Meet & Greet with the President
Thursday, November 12th at 2:00pm
This is your chance to meet Quincy College President Richard DeCristofaro. At this virtual event, you’ll get to speak with College President, discuss ideas, and ask questions.
Join us on Zoom!
Meeting ID: 992 4344 0029
Passcode: 735136
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Meet President DeCristofaro | Virtual Event
Meet Quincy College President Richard DeCristofaro, Ed.D.
Meet & Greet with the President
Thursday, November 12th at 2:00pm
This is your chance to meet Quincy College President Richard DeCristofaro. At this virtual event, you’ll get to speak with College President, discuss ideas, and ask questions.
Join us on Zoom!
Meeting ID: 992 4344 0029
Passcode: 735136