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[post_title] => NJCAA Men's Basketball Tryouts
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College NJCAA Men's Basketball Tryouts | 10/1/18 8pm-10pm & 10/2/2018 9pm-11pm | Quincy High School, 100 Coddington Street, Quincy, MA 02169
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Quincy College NJCAA Men’s Basketball Tryouts
Monday, October 1, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Quincy High School
100 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA 02169
For more information please contact:
Doug Scott, Men’s Basketball Coach via dscott@quincycollege.edu
Jack Raymer, Director of Athletics via jraymer@quincycollege.edu or (617) 405- 5987
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[post_excerpt] => Men's Basketball Team | Quincy College is in Region XXI of the National Junior College Athletic Association, NJCAA.
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NJCAA Men's Basketball Tryouts
October 1, 2018 - October 2, 2018
Quincy College NJCAA Men’s Basketball Tryouts
Monday, October 1, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Quincy High School
100 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA 02169
For more information please contact:
Doug Scott, Men’s Basketball Coach via dscott@quincycollege.edu
Jack Raymer, Director of Athletics via jraymer@quincycollege.edu or (617) 405- 5987