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[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Physical Therapist Assistant Program Prospective Student Open House
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Physical Therapist Assistant Program Prospective Student Open House
Friday, March 1, 2021
5pm – 7pm
Zoom Info Session
To register for the info session and learn more about the program, please visit the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Page.
Contact Kathy Cook, PTA Program Chair, at kcook@quincycollege.edu
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[post_title] => Physical Therapist Assistant
[post_excerpt] => The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Quincy College prepares students for licensure and employment as Physical Therapist Assistants.
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PTA Open House | Virtual Event
Physical Therapist Assistant Program Prospective Student Open House
Friday, March 1, 2021
5pm – 7pm
Zoom Info Session
To register for the info session and learn more about the program, please visit the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Page.
Contact Kathy Cook, PTA Program Chair, at kcook@quincycollege.edu