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[post_date] => 2023-03-20 15:33:57
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[post_title] => Scholarly Conversations
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[top] => Scholarly Conversations
[multi_day_event] =>
[date_start_date] => March 9, 2023
[date] =>
[content] =>
Quincy College welcomes the community to the second in its continuing free, on-campus lecture series designed to inform, educate and entertain by showcasing knowledgeable faculty members presenting on topics of interest.
On Thursday evening, March 9, the Scholarly Conversations series will continue with three new interactive presentations:
- Science and Poetry: Frenemies Laurel Kornheiser of the English/Humanities Department will bring her audience to the battle lines between science and poetry drawn thousands of years ago. Can metaphor broker a truce?
- Cancer: Bad Genes or Bad Diet? Purna Mukherjee of the Natural and Health Sciences Division will help unravel the latest research on diet and cancer. Could your lunch help fight cancer? It may depend on what’s in that brown bag.
- High on Supply: Wasted Genius Kristin Noone of the College’s Business program will uncover the logistical genius behind the illegal drug trade and describe how these criminal masterminds use strategy and creativity to outmaneuver law enforcement.
The program will begin at 5 p.m. in the College’s Anselmo Library on the third floor of the Presidents’ Place campus at 1250 Hancock Street. Each 30-minute presentation will be followed by a brief question-and-answer session. At the conclusion of the final presentation, at 6:30 p.m., there will be an opportunity to socialize with the presenters over complimentary refreshments.
“Once again, we will be opening Quincy College to the community by providing a forum to learn from our faculty on scholarly topics of popular interest,” said Dr. Servet Yatin, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Quincy College. “Our first Scholarly Conversations in January drew close to 100 attendees, which demonstrated the community’s enthusiasm for the concept. We are proud that our faculty can continue to share their expertise on such diverse and far-ranging topics.”
The College’s Scholarship, Teaching and Learning Team—established this past year by Provost Yatin—created this lecture series to advance knowledge in the community through its faculty’s research and educational expertise. The third lecture in the series, scheduled for May, will continue to draw on faculty specialties in the areas of psychology, science, and women’s literature. Specific information and presentation dates will be posted at https://quincycollegelibrary.org/stl when confirmed.
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Scholarly Conversations
Scholarly Conversations
Quincy College welcomes the community to the second in its continuing free, on-campus lecture series designed to inform, educate and entertain by showcasing knowledgeable faculty members presenting on topics of interest.
On Thursday evening, March 9, the Scholarly Conversations series will continue with three new interactive presentations:
- Science and Poetry: Frenemies Laurel Kornheiser of the English/Humanities Department will bring her audience to the battle lines between science and poetry drawn thousands of years ago. Can metaphor broker a truce?
- Cancer: Bad Genes or Bad Diet? Purna Mukherjee of the Natural and Health Sciences Division will help unravel the latest research on diet and cancer. Could your lunch help fight cancer? It may depend on what’s in that brown bag.
- High on Supply: Wasted Genius Kristin Noone of the College’s Business program will uncover the logistical genius behind the illegal drug trade and describe how these criminal masterminds use strategy and creativity to outmaneuver law enforcement.
The program will begin at 5 p.m. in the College’s Anselmo Library on the third floor of the Presidents’ Place campus at 1250 Hancock Street. Each 30-minute presentation will be followed by a brief question-and-answer session. At the conclusion of the final presentation, at 6:30 p.m., there will be an opportunity to socialize with the presenters over complimentary refreshments.
“Once again, we will be opening Quincy College to the community by providing a forum to learn from our faculty on scholarly topics of popular interest,” said Dr. Servet Yatin, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Quincy College. “Our first Scholarly Conversations in January drew close to 100 attendees, which demonstrated the community’s enthusiasm for the concept. We are proud that our faculty can continue to share their expertise on such diverse and far-ranging topics.”
The College’s Scholarship, Teaching and Learning Team—established this past year by Provost Yatin—created this lecture series to advance knowledge in the community through its faculty’s research and educational expertise. The third lecture in the series, scheduled for May, will continue to draw on faculty specialties in the areas of psychology, science, and women’s literature. Specific information and presentation dates will be posted at https://quincycollegelibrary.org/stl when confirmed.