Earn 3 College Credits Online in 5 Weeks

Get a head start on your college career! Classes start April 19th.

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Available Courses

  • Accounting I | This is an introductory course in accounting with the emphasis on the basic accounting cycle, management use of accounting data, construction and analysis of financial statements, and valuation of assets.*
  • College Algebra | Topics included in this course are graphing equations with an introduction to functions, factoring polynomials, operations on rational functions, simplifying rational exponents, and solving quadratic equations.*
  • English Composition I | This course will emphasize developing the student’s ability to articulate his/her thoughts in writing a coherent, unified, and well-structured composition.*
  • General Psychology | The focus of this course is on theories of personality, motivation, learning, intelligence, emotions, developmental processes, physiological psychology, perception, and psychological assessment.*
  • General Sociology | An examination of the behavior of humans in social groups. Emphasis will be placed on concepts including culture, society, socialization, role, personality, institutions and social change.*
  • Interpersonal Communication | An experience-based introduction to the concepts and skills in oral communication; listening, feedback, group discussions, speeches, self-disclosure and relational communication.*
  • Introduction to Business | The role, growth, structure, and functional organization of modern business in the U.S. economy is explored.*
  • Introduction to Computers | This course introduces the student to the theory, structure, and application of computers. Topics include word processing, spread sheeting, presentation, and database management (software).*
  • United States History I | This survey course traces the history of American development from pre-Columbian exploration and the Colonial era through the Civil War.*

Discounted rates for high school students.

*Click here to view the Quincy College Catalog for full course descriptions>>

New Students

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Current Students

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