Substance Abuse Symposium Flyer

This event is free and open to the public; media is welcome to attend.

Many issues surrounding drug and alcohol abuse will be discussed. A diverse panel of speakers touching upon all aspects of addiction will lead the discussion including representatives from the Mayor’s Office City of Quincy, Mayor’s Office City of Boston, and State Senator John F. Keenan.

The panel will be moderated by Mary Jane Knox, Advisor to the Quincy College Addiction Awareness Club, President of the Quincy College, Addiction Awareness Club and will feature the following panelists:

State Senator John F. Keenan
Norfolk and Plymouth District

Larry Liuzzo
Office of the Mayor, City of Quincy

Jennifer Tracey
Office of the Mayor, City of Boston

Father James Hawker
Board of Governors at Quincy College

Detective Patrick Glynn
Drug Task Force
Quincy Police Department

Celine Cannon
Gavin Foundation

Massachusetts community groups will be on hand to provide information on support services including Learn to Cope, Baystate, The Sun Will Rise, A New Way, Gavin Foundation, New England Addiction Outreach, Danny Cleggett  of Sober Houses, Recovery Centers of America, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous.

Two Quincy College students who are in recovery will speak at the event as well.