Speaker Series Capstone Event Topic: The State of Politics

Guest Speaker Vinny deMacedo, Massachusetts State Senator Plymouth & Barnstable District

Monday, April 29, 2019
Krovitz Library, Plymouth Campus
36 Cordage Park Circle, Plymouth, MA, 02360

Presentation followed by a question and answer session. Event is open to Quincy College Community only.

About the Speaker

Vinny deMacedo serves as the State Senator for the Plymouth and Barnstable District including the towns of Kingston, Pembroke, and Plymouth in Plymouth County and Bourne, Falmouth, and Sandwich in Barnstable County.  He was elected as State Senator on November 4, 2014. He previously represented the First Plymouth District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives for eight terms from 1999-2015.  Senator deMacedo serves in a leadership position as the Ranking Minority Member on the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, a key Senate committee which reviews all legislation related to the state’s finances as well as other important issues. He is also the Ranking Minority Member on the Joint Committee on Ways and Means where he serves as one of 6 members on the annual Budget Conference Committee.  He has been a strong and consistent voice for fiscal responsibility. Of particular concern to Senator deMacedo has been the opioid epidemic faced by Massachusetts. As a member of the Senate’s Special Commission on the Opioid Epidemic, Senator deMacedo took a leadership role in finding solutions to this crisis faced by so many Massachusetts residents and their families. Although much progress has been made in adding treatment beds and options, Senator deMacedo believes that there is still more work that needs to be done and continues to be an advocate in that regard.  During his time on Beacon Hill, Senator deMacedo has been a champion of economic development, working to make Massachusetts more business-friendly. He has supported the local tourism industry and fought to preserve regional tourism funding.  Senator deMacedo has also been a key legislative point person for public safety officials in Plymouth and Barnstable County.  He has been recognized for his leadership on public safety issues and initiatives to combat opiate addiction.