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[post_title] => Trip to the State House - Business 101 Club
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Business 101 Club | Trip to the State House | 5/22/17 | 10:45AM
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[date_start_date] => May 22, 2017
[date] => 20170522
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Join the Business 101 Club at the State House on Monday, May 22nd at 10:45am.
Open to all Quincy College Students!
- Meet with Representative Tackey Chan
- Tour the State House
- Participate in a photo shoot in the House Chambers
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-05-02 00:05:14
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[post_title] => Business Administration
[post_excerpt] => The Quincy College Business Program | This program is designed to assist students who anticipate transferring to Baccalaureate Degree-granting institutions.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-05-01 23:05:43
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[post_title] => Business Management: Bachelor of Science Degree
[post_excerpt] => The Bachelor of Science in Business Management program is designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for managerial positions.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-09-29 23:47:37
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[post_title] => Liberal Arts: History
[post_excerpt] => The focus of the Quincy College Liberal Arts Program is to provide the student with a breadth of program offerings in a chosen field of study.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-10-26 18:34:48
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[post_title] => Clubs & Organizations
[post_excerpt] => Student Clubs and Organizations at Quincy College offer the opportunity to be involved in many different ways – on campus and in the community.
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Trip to the State House - Business 101 Club
Join the Business 101 Club for an end of the year trip to the State House!
Join the Business 101 Club at the State House on Monday, May 22nd at 10:45am.
Open to all Quincy College Students!
- Meet with Representative Tackey Chan
- Tour the State House
- Participate in a photo shoot in the House Chambers