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[post_title] => Zoom Plus | Virtual Event
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[date_start_date] => February 4, 2021
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February 4th and 10th
Participants will have time to practice various features of Zoom such as how to test computer audio and video, how to use Zoom Chat, and how to set your Zoom virtual background, how to use breakout groups and polling.
Register for all workshops at Quincy College Learning Innovation Hub Events | Eventbrite.
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Zoom Plus | Virtual Event
February 4, 2021 - February 10, 2021
Zoom Plus | Virtual Event
February 4th and 10th
Participants will have time to practice various features of Zoom such as how to test computer audio and video, how to use Zoom Chat, and how to set your Zoom virtual background, how to use breakout groups and polling.
Register for all workshops at Quincy College Learning Innovation Hub Events | Eventbrite.