The Patriot Ledger // Published May 27, 2017 // By Benajmin Paulin
COHASSET — The 800 Quincy College students who graduated Friday morning were told that their futures would be bright if they continued to believe in themselves.
Students from the college’s Quincy and Plymouth campuses received associate degrees and certificates as a cold drizzle came down outside the South Shore Music Circus in Cohasset.
The spirits of those in attendance, including the college’s president, Peter Tsaffaras, didn’t appear to be dampened by the weather.
“As this journey concludes, you will embark upon a new one filled with virtually unlimited possibilities,” Tsaffaras told the new graduates. “As you know, at Quincy College we are focused on teaching and learning, one student at a time. We are pleased that we have played a part in the success that you have enjoyed today, and we are confident that you have been prepared for the challenges and opportunities which await you in the future.”
The keynote speaker was Dr. Carmen Mariano, a Quincy native who was assistant superintendent of the Quincy Public Schools from 2001 to 2007. Before that, he served as a mathematics teacher, wrestling coach, assistant principal and director of personnel, all in the Quincy school system.
Mariano, 70, also held leadership roles at Quincy College, founding the Plymouth campus in 1991 and serving as its campus director and associate dean for 10 years.
Before retiring, he was the principal and president of Archbishop Williams High School in Braintree.
His lighthearted message to the graduates focused on the phrase: “Have faith.”
Quincy College graduates walk across the stage at the South Shore Music Circus in Cohasset at their commencement ceremony on Friday, May 26, 2017. Benjamin Paulin/Patriot Ledger
“I want you to have faith. I ask you to have faith. Have faith. Have faith. Have faith,” Mariano said. “You all need faith in lots of people, because you can’t succeed in anything alone. Still, you need faith in one person more than any other. Who is that person? That person is you.
“As you live this special day and as you leave this special day, graduates, please have faith in yourself. Have faith in what you can do.”
Read Full Article: http://www.patriotledger.com/news/20170526/have-faith-in-yourself-quincy-college-graduates-told/1