Boston Globe South // Published January 6, 2017 // By John Laidler
Quincy College found an innovative way last month to help students on its Plymouth campus cope with the stress that many experience due to final exams and the holiday season.
For three days during the week of Dec. 19, the college brought six therapy dogs — Aoife, Elise, Capella, Clyde, Tess, Beane — and their owners to the Krovitz Library to visit with students.
Elizabeth Do, a librarian at the Krovitz, was inspired by other academic libraries that have brought therapy dogs to campuses and arranged with the Scituate-based Dog B.O.N.E.S organization for the visits to the Plymouth campus. In a statement, Do said the program seemed a “natural fit” for Quincy College, a commuter school where the average age of students is 28.
“Our students often juggle multiple priorities during the holiday season, including pursuing higher education, raising families, and other challenges,” she said. “The therapeutic benefit of pets is well documented, and I’m excited we were able to welcome Aoife, Elise, Capella, Clyde, Tess, Beane, and their owners to campus.”
John Laidler can be reached at john.laidler-co@globe.com.
Read Full Article: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/south/2017/01/06/therapy-dogs-help-college-students-plymouth-deal-with-stress/JHEglkEipR8cVesovTaSjM/story.html