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Computer Science

Bachelor of Science Degree

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program provides the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in computer science and related fields. Students will develop competencies needed to analyze, design, implement, and assess computing solutions using various programming languages, tools, paradigms, and technologies. The program provides students with a foundation of knowledge and understanding along with communication and technical skills within an ethical framework essential for succeeding in both professional and educational endeavors in an increasingly diverse society.

Program Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate key theories, programming languages, tools, paradigms, and technologies within computer science.
  • Analyze, design, and implement computing solutions at multiple levels of detail and abstraction.
  • Assess functionality, usability, and performance of systems by applying quantitative and qualitative assessment techniques.
  • Communicate complex ideas with others from diverse backgrounds.
  • Create software using industry standards, considering social, legal, and ethical issues.
  • Collaborate with others as a team member using a defined development process.

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Scholarships available

Earn your degree for a fraction of the price.

As of Fall 2023, students with an incoming GPA of 2.5 or above, and with 60 credits accepted for transfer into a baccalaureate program, are eligible for a $100 discount per course, not to exceed a total of $2,000, for as long as the student continues to pursue the same baccalaureate degree program. Please note that the eligibility requirement of 2.5 GPA or above is only for applications received after June 30, 2023. All previous agreements will be honored. QC has final determination on qualifications, award amount, and application of the award.

Have questions or want to apply for the program? Please contact:
The Admissions Office | 617-984-1710


Computer Science Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • CSI 101
    • Introduction to Computers
    • 3
    This course introduces the student to the theory, structure, and application of computers. Topics include word processing, spread sheeting, presentation, and database management (software).
    • CSI 107
    • C++ Programming
    • 3
    This course is designed as an introduction to C++ programming. Problem solving methods and algorithmic development stressing good programming style and documentation including top down and modular design is emphasized. Prerequisite: CSI 116.
    • CSI 108
    • Advanced C++
    • 3
    This course is designed to provide the student with the advanced object-oriented features of C++. It builds upon the knowledge learned in C++ Programming. Prerequisite: CSI 107.
    • CSI 111
    • Digital Computer Hardware
    • 3
    This course focuses on the understanding of computer organization, design and programming of a simple digital computer. The study includes the basic building blocks of a computer system including digital logic circuits, data representation, register transfer language and micro operations.
    • CSI 116
    • Introduction to Programming
    • 3
    This course is designed to provide the background necessary for an understanding of computer programming languages. Programming assignments introduce the student to methods of problem-solving programming logic, development of algorithms, coding, debugging, and documenting programs. Topics include an overview of computer organization, simple data structures, and file management.
    • CSI 149
    • Introduction to Game Development
    • 3
    This course will teach students how to develop client-side scripts to create more functional, robust websites. It builds upon the skills learned in CSA227 Web Design. Students will learn to program with the JavaScript programming language to enhance websites in the areas of dynamic web content, event handling, and form data validation. This course has a strong project component to provide students with substantial handson experience with client-side programming. Prerequisites: CSI 116 and CSA 227.
    • CSI 200
    • Internet Programming
    • 3
    Introduction to the fundamentals of internet programming for education, entertainment, and business. Hands-on exercises prepare students to deliver Web based projects to blend text, graphics, and other media. Topics include XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. Prerequisites: CSI 107 and CSI 116 (formerly CSI 216 Computer Concepts).
    • CSI 204
    • Web Programming with PHP and MySQL
    • 3
    This course will teach students how to develop client-side scripts to create more functional, robust websites. It builds upon the skills learned in CSA227 Web Design. Students will learn to program with the JavaScript programming language to enhance websites in the areas of dynamic web content, event handling, and form data validation. This course has a strong project component to provide students with substantial handson experience with client-side programming. Prerequisites: CSI 116 and CSA 227.
    • CSI 207
    • System Design & Analysis
    • 3
    Introduction to systems concepts, department organization, forms design, systems control and manuals. Development of system techniques through lecture and case study methods, including work simplification, work measurement, flowcharting, system cost estimating, system development, implementation, and evaluation. This course also introduces the student to Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation graphics software.
    • CSI 217
    • Operating Systems
    • 3
    This course explores the concepts of operating systems and their relationship to computer architecture. Topics include concurrent processing, scheduling, memory management, file systems, device management, and resource allocation. Prerequisite: CSI 116.
    • CSI 218
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • 3
    This course covers common data structures and algorithms for storing and manipulating data using the C++ programming language. Object-oriented programming and design techniques are emphasized for the creation of reusable data structures. Topics include multidimensional arrays, linked lists, recursion, stacks, queues, searching, sorting, hashing, and trees. Prerequisite: CSI 116, CSI 107, CSI 108.
    • CSI 226
    • UNIX with Linux
    • 3
    Introduction to UNIX operating system. Practical explorations of the basics of UNIX system concepts, architecture, and administration. Uses Linux, a PC-compatible clone of UNIX to reinforce shell programming concepts and utilities with real-world applications.
    • CSA 227
    • Website Design
    • 3
    This course will familiarize the student with the capabilities and potential of web design for applications in business, government, communication, and the arts. Hands-on experience will help build an advanced understanding of HTML vocabulary and interface applications using PageMill.
    • CSI 233
    • Java Programming
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to the Java programming language that builds upon concepts explored in Introduction to Programming (CSI 116). The Java platform, how it stores data in memory, and basic language features are discussed. Topics include objects, methods, control structures, streams, arrays, and classes. Prerequisite: CSI 116.
    • CSI 235
    • Computer Architecture
    • 3
    This course deals with the structure and organization of the major hardware components of computers. Topics include basic logic design, CPU construction, and information transfer and control within a computer system. Prerequisite: CSI 116.
    • CSI 237
    • Advanced Java
    • 3
    This course introduces students to the advanced object-oriented features of Java. It builds on the knowledge of basic applications and applets learned in Java Programming (CSI 233). Topics include inheritance and polymorphism, abstract types (“interfaces”), exceptions, event-driven graphical user interfaces, use of online documentation for class libraries, and object-oriented design. Prerequisite: CSI 233 and CSI 116.
    • CSI 242
    • Computer Systems Security
    • 3
    This course introduces student to the concepts of computer and network security with applications. Topics include authentication, securing Web and file transfer applications, cryptography, firewalls and other devices and network topologies. Prerequisite: CSI 217 and CSI 244 or permission of instructor.
    • CSI 244
    • Networking I
    • 3
    Introduction to the concepts, technology, and implementation of computer communication. Topics discussed are distributed systems requirements, network architecture, communications protocols, local and wide area networks, data transmission, digital multiplexing, data switching, and characteristics of transmission media, modems, design of information flow, and message and packet switching.
    • CSI 245
    • Networking II
    • 3
    Knowing how to install, configure, and troubleshoot a computer network is a highly marketable and exciting skill. This course first introduces the fundamental building blocks that form a modern network, such as protocols, topologies, hardware, and network operating systems. It then provides in-depth coverage of the most important concepts in contemporary networking, such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, wireless transmission, and security. The course will prepare a student to select the best network design, hardware, and software for his or her environment. Students will also acquire the skills to build a network from scratch and maintain, upgrade, and troubleshoot an existing network. Prerequisite: CSI 244.
    • CSI 246
    • Networking III
    • 3
    This course is a comprehensive guide for anyone wishing to obtain a solid background in basic Cisco networking concepts. Students are first introduced to theory-based concepts, which are followed-up with practical hands-on labs, and use of Cisco IOS. Implement the Cisco interior routing and BGP protocols with a rigorous treatment of TCP/IP. Examines bridging, switching, and routing alternatives. Demonstrates interconnection of networks and the limitations imposed by the different routing protocols, and discusses alternatives and a survey of current trends in internetworking. Discusses LAN design and integration techniques and upgrade alternatives that are available when current networking does not support existing or future applications. Prerequisites: CSI 244 and CSI 245.
    • CSI 255
    • C# Programming
    • 3
    This course teaches students how to develop software for Windows operating systems using Microsoft’s premier object-oriented programming language, C#. The unique features of the C# language will be covered as well as several components of the .NET Framework under which modern Windows applications run. Students will create software using a combination of visual programming tools and traditional coding. Topics include Windows Forms, ASP.NET, LINQ, XAML, and Windows Presentation Foundation. Prerequisites: CSI 108 or CSI 237.
    • CSI 261
    • Robotics Programming
    • 3
    This course utilizes the Python programming language as well as Choregraphe software to develop behaviors for the NAO humanoid robot. The robot will be programmed to walk, talk, dance, listen and respond to its surroundings through facial and object recognition. Prerequisites: CSI 116
    • CSI 262
    • Advanced Robotics Programming
    • 3
    This course teaches how to control robots with the Python programming language. Students also learn to extend the capabilities of robots with off-the-shelf hardware and open-source software, a skill relevant to the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as drones. Emphasis is placed on programming robots to complete tasks, some of which require collaboration between a group of robots. Hardware used includes “Roomba” robots, Raspberry Pi microcontrollers, and additional electronic components. Prerequisites: CSI 261 or CSI 107 or CSI 233
    • CSI 265
    • Linux System Administration
    • 3
    This course introduces students to the principles of computer system administration in a Linux environment. It builds on the knowledge learned in UNIX With Linux (CSI 226). System administration topics include managing user accounts, storage, and software configuration; web hosting; performance analysis; and security. Prerequisites: CSI 226.
    • CSI 297
    • Computer Science Internship
    • 3
    The student performs in a supervised work experience for a minimum of ninety (90) hours over the duration of a single semester. Relevant work areas include, but are not limited to: database management; network operations; programming; operating systems; operations; software, network, and general technical support. The participating student will meet regularly with the coordinating faculty member. A final project or paper is required. Prerequisites: 30 credits completed, and a GPA of 3.1 or higher.
    • CSI 317
    • Operating Systems
    • 3
    This course examines computer operating systems from the perspective of design and implementation. Topics include process scheduling, process synchronization, memory management, I/O, file systems, security, and virtualization.
    • CSI 318
    • Analysis of Algorithms
    • 3
    This course explores the application and efficiency of algorithms. Topics include dynamic programming, balanced trees, graph, and sort algorithms, and Big-O notation.
    • CSI 330
    • Graphics Programming/UI/UX
    • 3
    User Experience (UX) Design provides an overview of the UX design process. Students will learn basic UX design principles and critique a wide range of existing interfaces. Students will also learn common UX software tools to conduct user testing and design user interfaces.
    • CSI 340
    • Compiler Theory
    • 3
    This course analyzes the structure of a compiler. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing,syntax-directed translation, code generation, and runtime environments.
    • CSI 480
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • 3
    This course explores the underlying theory and application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Topics include intelligent agents, problem space search, knowledge representation, planning, neural networks, and machine learning.
    • CSI 490
    • Software Engineering Capstone
    This capstone course thoroughly explores the discipline of software engineering. The course covers the essential aspects of requirements analysis, project planning, design, implementation, and testing. The topics presented are reinforced through the examination of case studies and the development of a capstone project.
    • CSA 213
    • Database Management
    • 3
    This course is designed to introduce the fundamental process of developing, implementing, and maintaining a database system in order to produce management information.
    • CSA 229
    • Web and Mobile Development with JavaScript
    • 3
    This course will teach students how to develop client-side scripts to create more functional, robust websites. It builds upon the skills learned in CSA227 Web Design. Students will learn to program with the JavaScript programming language to enhance websites in the areas of dynamic web content, event handling, and form data validation. This course has a strong project component to provide students with substantial hands-on experience with client-side programming. Prerequisites: CSI 116 and CSA 227.
    • MAT 210
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • 4
    An introduction to the mathematical structures used in engineering and computer science. Topics include logic, methods of proof, functions and relations, set theory, number theory, induction and recursion, counting theory, discrete probability, and graph theory and its applications. The Tl-83 (or above) graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MAT 113.

Computer Science: Curriculum

General Education Requirements (41 credits)

CSI 101Introduction to Computers 3
ENG 101 English Composition I13
ENG 102English Composition II3
History/Government Core3
Humanities Elective 3
IDS 167 First Year Seminar3
MAT 103College Algebra13
MAT 113Precalculus3
MAT 204Calculus I B14
Natural Science Core w/ Lab 4
Social Science/Psychology Core3
General Education Elective26

Program Requirements (67 credits)

MAT 210Discrete Math14
CSI 116Introduction to Programming 3
CSI 107C++ Programming13
CSI 108Advanced C++3
CSI 218Data Structures and Algorithms13
CSA 213Database Management 3
CSI 226Unix With Linux 3
CSA 227Website Design 3
CSI 235Computer Architecture13
CSI 242Computer Systems Security1 (S)3
CSI 244Networking I3
CSI 313Advanced Database Management1 (F)3
CSA 229Web and Mobile Development with JavaScript1 (F)3
CSI 311Digital Computer Hardware1 (F)3
CSI 318Analysis of Algorithms1 (S)3
CSI 340Compiler Theory1 (S)3
CSI 317Operating Systems1 (S)3
CSI 330Graphics Programming/UI/UX1 (F)3
CSI 480Artificial Intelligence1 (F)3
CSI 490Software Engineering Capstone1 (S)3
Program Electives6
Open Electives12

Program Electives (6 credits)

3 credits must be 300-level or above.

MAT 205Linear Algebra1 (S)3
MAT 206Calculus II B1 (F)4
ENG 350Technical Communications1 (F)3
CSI 150Introduction to Game Development with Unity1 (S)3
CSI 217Introduction to Operating Systems (S)3
CSI 204Web Programming with PHP and MySQL1 (S)3
CSI 233Java Programming1 (F)3
CSI 237Advanced Java1 (S)3
CSI 245Networking II14
CSI 246Networking III1 (S)4
CSI 255C# Programming1 (F)3
CSI 357Android Development1 (F)3
CSI 261Robotics Programming1 (F)3
CSI 265Linux System Administration13
CSI 267Amazon Web Services Academy Cloud Foundations1 (S)3
CSI 450Special Topics in Computer Science1 (S)3
CSI 460Programming Language Theory1 (F)3
CSI 470Big Data Analytics1 (F)3
EXP 297Internship3
1Indicates course requires the completion of a prerequisite.
2200-level or above, not CS; BUS 220 Business Ethics Recommended.
(F)Class is only offered in the Fall.
(S)Class is only offered in the Spring.

Click here to download Computer Science Curriculum

Computer Science: Semester Pathway

Recommended course of study for a full-time student. It is recommended that students speak to an Academic Advisor before registering for courses each semester.

Semester 1

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
ENG 101 English Comp I3
CSI 101 Introduction to Computers3
IDS 167 First Year Seminar 3
CSI 116 Introduction to Programming3
CSI 244 Networking I3

Semester 2

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
MAT 103 College Algebra3Appropriate Placement Score
or Completion of MAT 097
CSA 227 Website Design3
ENG 102 English Composition II3ENG 101
CSI 107 C++ Programming3CSI 116
CSI 226 Unix With Linux3

Semester 3

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
CSA 213 Database Management3
History/Government Core/Elective3
Natural Science Core w/ Lab /Elective 3
MAT 113 Pre-Calculus3MAT 103 OR Permission of
CSI 108 Advanced C++3CSI 107

Semester 4

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
MAT 204 Calculus I B4MAT 113
CSI 218 Data Structures and Algorithms 3CSI 108
CSI 235 Computer Architecture3CSI 116
CSI 242 Computer Systems Security3CSI 244 OR permission of instructor
Social Science/Psychology Core/Elective3

Semester 5

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
CSI 313 Advanced Database Management3CSA 213
Open Elective3
CSA 229 Web and Mobile Development
With JavaScript
3CSI 116 and CSA 227
CSI 311 Digital Computer Hardware3CSI 116
Humanities Elective3

Semester 6

16 CreditsPre-Requisites
Open Elective13
CSI 318 Analysis of Algorithms3CSI 218
CSI 340 Compiler Theory 3CSI 218
CSI 317 Operating Systems3CSI 218
MAT 210 Discrete Mathematics4MAT 204

Semester 7

15 CreditsPre-Requisites
CSI 330 Graphics Programming/UI/UX3CSI 218 and CSA 227
CSI 480 Artificial Intelligence3CSI 218; MAT 210 (prereq or
Open Elective3
Program Elective3
General Education Elective (not CS) 200
level or above

Semester 8

General Education Elective (not CS) 200-
level or above
CSI 490 Software Engineering (Capstone)3CSI 218, CSI 226, CSI 330, and
CSI 313
Program Elective3
Open Elective3


We encourage students to speak to an Academic Advisor before registering for courses each semester.
Make an Advising Appointment | (617) 984-1720

Have questions or want to apply for the program? Please contact:
The Admissions Office | (617) 984-1710

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Faculty Profiles

Jim Peters


M.S. in Computer Science, Boston University
B.S. in Computer Technology, Northeastern University


Professor Peters is an educator in the field of computer science at Quincy College. An alumnus of Quincy College, he brings over 25 years of robust experience in software development to the classroom. Throughout his distinguished career, Professor Peters has developed cutting-edge software products for industry giants such as Motorola, Nokia, and GTE.

A dedicated member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for many years, Professor Peters has also served as the chair of the Boston Section of the IEEE Communications Society. His commitment to professional excellence extends to his role as an AWS Academy accredited educator, where he imparts knowledge and skills in cloud computing to his students.

With a deep-seated passion for teaching technology, Professor Peters continues to inspire and equip the next generation of technologists.

Dr. Robert Pitts


Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Boston University
M.A. in Computer Science, Boston University
B.S. in Computer Science, American International College, Springfield, MA

After studying computer science, Dr. Pitts shifted his focus to studying neural networks, a method of machine learning modeled on the human brain and has published several scientific articles on the subject. At Quincy College, he teaches a wide array of courses including computer programming, artificial intelligence, and Robotics. His interest in computer science and engaging students in the field is demonstrated by his over ten-year commitment to running the College’s computer club.

Deb Stockbridge

M. Ed., Northeastern University
M., Computer Science, Bridgewater State College
B.A., Northeastern University


Professor Stockbridge has taught at Quincy College for the past twenty-six years.  She has taught a variety of courses in computer science including C++ programming, robotic programming, website design and database management.

Leisure activities include hiking, skiing, and visiting with her children and grandchildren.

Vivian Hatziyannis


M.A. in Econometrics, Tufts University
B.A. in Business and Computer Science, Boston University


Vivian is associated with many educational institutions in the Boston area. She is a senior Lecturer at both UMass Boston, School of Management and Northeastern University.

Vivan has held a variety of industry positions include Fidelity Management & Research and owns Hatziyannis Consulting. Her teaching philosophy centers on her belief that each student is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. As an educator, she helps students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas.

Vivian’s personal interests include traveling, reading and spending time with her family.

Michael McGee


M.A. in Training & Development, Rochelle University
B.A. in Information Technology, American Intercontinental University
A.S. Architectural Drafting, Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY

After studying architectural drafting, Professor McGee shifted his focus to Informational Technology as he foresaw a need for others to be educated in this area and wanted to pursue a career path in Training and Education. Mr. McGee has over 20 plus years of experience in business development and non-profit management. He is passionate about helping others improve their growth opportunities and is entrepreneurial-minded.

At Quincy College he teaches Intro to Computers and Database Management. Since he obtained his degrees almost entirely online while working full time, he is very understanding of the challenges of online learning in an ever-changing environment and strives to give his students every opportunity to succeed and enjoy a positive learning experience. In addition to being on the faculty since 2012, Michael volunteers as an Assistant Basketball Coach and helped get the program up and running.


Dr. Torna Omar Soro

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Southern California
M.S. in Computer Science., University of Massachusetts, Boston
M.A. in Economics, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
B.A. in Economics, Université Alassane Ouattara

Dr. Soro has worked for Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation (Boston, MA) as a Research Economist (Predictive analytics). He later on joined MEDITECH (Medical Information Technology, Inc, Weekend Group) in order to improve his understanding of healthcare technology (EHR).

He is a tenured Professor of Economics and computer science at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC – Boston), and a lecturer in the computer science department at the University of Massachusetts – Boston.

At Quincy College, Dr. Soro teaches a wide array of courses including computer programming and Economics.


Sami Al-Dhaheri

Ph.D. in Computer Science (Data Mining and Machine Learning), CUNY Graduate Center
M.Phil. – Computer Science, CUNY Graduate Center
M.S. in Information Systems, University of Jordan
B.S. in Computer Information Systems, University of Jordan

Dr. Sami Al-Dhaheri is a seasoned educator and industry professional with a PhD in Computer Science. With over a decade of teaching experience, Dr. Al-Dhaheri has instructed at prestigious institutions including Hunter College, John Jay College, UNCP, and currently serves as a part-time instructor at Quincy College. Alongside a strong academic background, Dr. Al-Dhaheri has extensive industry experience, having worked as a Senior Data Architect in various government agencies and educational institutions. Dr. Al-Dhaheri’s expertise lies in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of computer science and data management.

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