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Liberal Arts: Behavioral Science

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Degree


Students who study the Behavioral Science concentration will earn an Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Degree. The focus of the Liberal Arts Program is to provide the student with a breadth of program offerings in a chosen field of study. Liberal Arts students may focus their program in the following concentration areas: Behavioral Science, English, Government, History, Humanities, Psychology, or Social Science. All concentration electives must be selected in the chosen area of study.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student should be able to:

  • Compose well-structured, unified and coherent expository assignments.
  • Demonstrate information literacy through research assignments.
  • Apply the principles of critical thinking to assess required readings and points of discussion.
  • Describe the social, political and philosophical contexts that inform a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Describe the diverse cultural and behavioral influences on a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Apply a theoretical understanding to practical problems in a Liberal Arts field (Behavioral Science, English, History/Government, Humanities, Psychology, Social Science, or Sociology

Academic Division of Liberal Arts


Liberal Arts: Behavioral Science Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • PSY 101
    • General Psychology
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, major theories, different theoretical perspectives and research methods in psychology. The focus is on theories of personality, motivation, learning, intelligence, emotions, developmental processes, physiological psychology, perception, and psychological assessment. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PSY 103
    • Child Development
    • 3
    This course is designed to provide the student with an integrated understanding of child development as it relates to early childhood education. A broad theoretical background is combined with principles of application. Emphasis is on the social context of early development, group processes, influence of the family, role of play, and the development of cognitive capabilities. Visitations to pre-school centers required.
    • PSY 201
    • Child Psychology
    • 3
    This course provides the student with a broad theoretical and practical basis for the understanding of human development. Emphasis is on the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors, which affect the human organism from conception through adolescence. Various theoretical models including, Freud, Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, Bowlby, and Elkin are discussed. Prerequisites: PSY 101, or permission of the instructor.
    • PSY 203
    • Adolescent Psychology
    • 3
    A comprehensive study of the adolescent dealing with adolescent development with a focus on physical, cognitive, emotional, and self-concept changes. Particular emphasis is placed on the adolescent in society and his/her relationship to parents and peers and how this influences development. Prerequisite: PSY 101.
    • PSY 205
    • Psychology of Change
    • 3
    This course examines major issues influencing adjustment and requires the student to explore these issues in relation to his/her own life. Some of the issues discussed include: Values clarification, racial/ethnic identity development, aggression, intimacy, depression, anxiety, and stress. Prerequisite: PSY101 or PSY216.
    • PSY 210
    • Psychology of Learning
    • 3
    This educational psychology course will explore the teaching and learning process; teaching with an emphasis on planning effective instructional strategies, classroom management, and assessment. It focuses on human development, learning theories, individual difference, and motivation. Prerequisite PSY 101.
    • PSY 212
    • Group Dynamics
    • 3
    A course designed to enable students to understand common group interactions and the individual’s attitudes and reactions to those situations. It aids students in understanding the socialization process, group theory, the characteristics of effective leadership in a variety of group structures, and the skills required to work effectively within teams. Prerequisite: PSY 101.
    • PSY 215
    • Abnormal Psychology
    • 3
    This course is a comprehensive study of the major mental disorders as defined by the DSM-IV TR. Etiologies and treatment for each disorder or cluster of disorders will be covered. Major disorders examined include the following: Anxiety disorders, dissociative & somatoform disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, neuropsychological disorders, and disorders of childhood and adolescence. Prerequisites: PSY 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • PSY 216
    • Growth & Development
    • 3
    This course explores human growth and development across the lifespan, from how the fetus develops a preference for familiar voices, to the adolescent identity crisis, to the development of wisdom in late adulthood. The course is organized around major developmental periods in the lifespan. Contributions of significant developmental theorists are highlighted. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PSY 221
    • Health Psychology
    • 3
    This course is intended to introduce the student to the tenets of health psychology, including, but not necessarily limited to, a history of health psychology; models of health psychology; an examination of the basic principles and theories pertinent to this field including the prevention and modification of health compromising behaviors; as well as the influences of psychosocial factors on mental health (e.g. stress, depression), physical health (e.g. heart disease, chronic illness, pain) and health-related behaviors (e.g. substance use and abuse, aggression, sexual behavior). Prerequisites: PSY 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • PSY 230
    • Sport Psychology
    • 3
    This course focuses on the many areas of psychology that apply to sports. A wide array of psychological subjects will be explored, including motivation, team experience, mental imagery, performance anxiety, youth sports, gender issues, and more. Multicultural and international views of the field will be included and class discussion of theories and research will be encouraged. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PSY 231
    • Psychology of Gender and Culture
    • 3
    The first part of this course will provide a critical examination of the theories and interesting debates that exist within the psychology of gender. The second part of the course will provide an introduction to the field of cultural psychology, including discussion of the psychology of race and ethnicity. As we discuss psychology’s tradition of focusing on differences between people, we’ll keep our similarities in mind.
    • PSY 280
    • Research Design & Methodology
    • 3
    The goal of this course is to familiarize the student with the experimental methods used by psychologists and other social scientists in conducting their research. Students will be exposed to a variety of research designs as well as basic statistical theory covering hypothesis testing, ANOVA, and correlational analyses. Students will participate in the process of conducting research by formulating a testable idea, developing a method by which to test their idea, and communicating their idea to others. Prerequisite: ENG 101 and PSY 101
    • PSY 290
    • Introduction to Social Psychology
    • 3
    This course is a systematic study of interpersonal behavior, the manner in which individuals are influenced by the function within a group. Topics of particular focus include attitude formation, persuasion, prejudice, conformity, social perception, leadership, attraction, affiliation, and aggression. Prerequisites: PSY 101, or SOC 101, or permission of the instructor.
    • SOC 101
    • General Sociology
    • 3
    An examination of the behavior of humans in social groups. Emphasis will be placed on concepts including culture, society, socialization, role, personality, institutions and social change. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • SOC 102
    • Contemporary Social Problems
    • 3
    An analysis of the chief areas of social mal-adjustment. Consideration is given to selected critical problems including race relations, ethic discrimination, changing sex role patterns, family dislocation, and an aging population, mental illness, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction.
    • SOC 105
    • Sociology of Deviance
    • 3
    Consideration of the cultural definition of deviance and the causal societal context; social analysis of problems such as mental illness, suicide and abnormal sexual behavior. Prerequisites: SOC 101 or permission of instructor.
    • SOC 112
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • 3
    An experience-based introduction to the concepts and skills in oral communication; listening, feedback, group discussions, speeches, self-disclosure and relational communication.
    • SOC 116
    • Intercultural Communication
    • 3
    This course will develop awareness of how human culture affects individual perception and interpersonal communication. Through literature and journalism, film and music, communicative activities and research projects, students will expand their capacity to understand themselves and communicate with other members of the human family. Particular attention will be paid to other cultural groups represented by class members.
    • SOC 140
    • Aging in America
    • 3
    Students will explore the process of aging in America from a sociological perspective. Explore roles of the aged today as they compare to other societies and times, the status of elderly in America, the effects of elderly boomers on commercial and cultural images, and the ethical dilemmas raised by the new elders in our society. Prerequisite: SOC 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • SOC 150
    • Women in Society
    • 3
    An examination of the roles of women in American society, both past and present. Students will build an understanding of the issues impacting women’s roles. Topics covered include: women’s work and economic status, sex roles, gender expectations, the socialization of women, women and children, women’s roles in other societies, and the results of the women’s movements.
    • SOC 155
    • Race, Class, Gender, Social Justice
    • 3
    This course will explore the relationship between race, class, gender and social justice. Topics will include the following: the origins and consequences of racial, class, ethnic discriminations; the changing role of women; immigration policies; movements for integration and separatism; and the impact of past and present day problems and policies.
    • SOC 156
    • Media in Social Perspective
    • 3
    This course examines the impact of new media technologies on our social relationships and institutions. We will investigate new social realities in print, radio, television, telecommunications, and the internet. We will explore the relationship of individuals and community in society. The class will probe the relationship between economic, political, and cultural globalization and the rise of a networked society. Topics will include monopolies; digital divides; social psychology of the mediated self; invasions of privacy; media saturation; copyright and intellectual property; gaming and learning; social networking; citizen journalism. Prerequisites: Sociology 101 or permission of instructor.
    • SOC 201
    • Cultural Anthropology
    • 3
    A course concerned with humans as members of society and the effects of culture on individuals and groups. The main emphasis will be placed on the study of human behavior in different cultural settings. A main objective of the course is to help students understand their own behavior and reflect upon individual and group values.
    • SOC 203
    • Sociology of the Family
    • 3
    This course will focus on the family as a primary social institution. Emphasis will be placed on theoretical perspectives, variations, and alternatives, as well as the changing family over the life span. Special topics include cross-cultural influences, issues related to courtship, marriage and family development, and the effects of changes in the American family. Prerequisite: SOC 101 or permission of the instructor.

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