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Criminal Justice

Associate of Science Degree


The Quincy College Criminal Justice Program is designed to prepare individuals for the various aspects of Criminal Justice in the region. The program options available to students offer several routes of preparation. In any Criminal Justice course, students may find themselves in classrooms with police officers, private security professionals, government agency staff, and prospective social scientists. Students are encouraged to carefully review each Criminal Justice track, and the options available within each, in order to more effectively identify the program best suited for their career and personal goals.

The Criminal Justice Associate Degree is designed to prepare students for entry level positions in the criminal justice profession as well as to facilitate transfer to a Baccalaureate Degree-granting institutions and enhance the likelihood of students’ success in those programs. The Criminal Justice Associate Degree allows the student greater flexibility in selecting courses that will match the program requirements of the school to which the student intends to transfer.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student will able to:

  • Outline criminal justice policies and practices applied in the administration of justice.
  • Describe how criminological theory supports problem solving and examination into the nature and causes of crime.
  • Estimate the impact of criminal justice technology upon due process and equal justice.
  • Describe contemporary threats, challenges, and social issues impacting the administration of justice.
  • Summarize the evolution of the correctional system and community-based alternatives to incarceration.
  • Illustrate major qualitative and/or quantitative methods used in criminal justice research.


Academic Division of Professional Programs

Criminal Justice Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • CJS 101
    • Introduction to Criminal Justice
    • 3
    This course introduces the criminal justice process and services with discussion of the roles of police, courts, and corrections. This is a broad-based, survey course designed to expose students to a variety of criminal justice topical areas.
    • CJS 103
    • Criminology
    • 3
    The nature and cause of criminal behavior in contemporary America, the social forces involved, the major causes of lawbreaking, and analysis of social responses to criminals, including the workings of the police, courts, laws, and prisons are studied. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 104
    • Law Enforcement & Society
    • 3
    The role of the police in a democratic society is examined as well as the historical development of law enforcement emphasizing European and American tradition and practice. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 105
    • Criminal Evidence & Investigation
    • 3
    An examination of the kinds and degrees of evidence and the rules governing admissibility of evidence in court. The student will study the fundamentals of investigation, crime scene search and recording, collection and preservation of physical evidence, source of information, interviews and interrogation, follow-up, and case preparation. Prerequisite: CJS 101. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 107
    • Juvenile Delinquency
    • 3
    This course covers selected theories of delinquency, programs of prevention and control, treatment, confinement, utilization of community resources, and the history and current role of the juvenile court. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 108
    • Criminal Justice Ethics
    • 3
    This course will examine a variety of ethical issues faced by justice officials, such as the relationship between personal ethics and social expectations; professional ethics; the use of force; issues of race, gender and class; and noble cause corruption. Students will examine the importance of an ethical foundation for law enforcement while they compare and contrast ethical codes from various sources in the public safety community and historical warrior classes. Special attention will be paid to the concept of noble cause corruption and the compound effects of those outcomes. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 109
    • Criminal Law
    • 3
    This course introduces the student to the principles of criminal liability, elements of crimes, defenses to crimes and parties to crimes in the areas of property crimes, crimes against the person, crimes against habitation, and drug trafficking. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 111
    • Criminal Justice Administration
    • 3
    This course surveys the criminal justice system as a whole, the interdependence and independence of actors, and discusses system concerns and allocation of resources. Prerequisite: CJS 101. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 113
    • Drugs and Society
    • 3
    This course discusses the major social health issues involving drugs. Topics covered include the psychological aspects of drug involvement, the pharmacology of drugs, alcoholism, current rehabilitation practices, review of state and federal drug laws, and drug education programs at the national, state, and local levels. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended
    • CJS 117
    • Crisis Intervention & the Police
    • 3
    This course will examine the police officer responding to a wide range of calls which involve the potential for crisis. This course will involve incidents with violent individuals as well as volatile groups that the police officer often comes into contact with. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended
    • CJS 121
    • Criminal Procedure
    • 3
    This course introduces the student to the basics of criminal procedure, including the law of search and seizure, arrest, interrogation and identification, the pretrial process, the criminal trial, sentencing and punishment, appeal and post- conviction relief, and constitutional safeguards in state and federal criminal proceedings. Prerequisite: CJS 101. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended
    • CJS 202
    • Introduction to Corrections
    • 3
    This course covers a critical analysis of the American system of corrections. Covers important historical developments and the range of treatment and/or punishment options available to government, including prisons, jails, reformatories, and community treatment programs. Probation and parole are considered as an integral part of corrections. Current correctional philosophy and treatment approaches on federal, state, and local levels of government are assessed. The interrelated nature of all aspects of corrections is emphasized, with particular focus on policy analysis and decision-making.
    • CJS 204
    • Probation, Parole & Community Corrections
    • 3
    Probation, parole, and other community-based sanctions, procedures, practices, and personnel are surveyed and evaluated. Probation, parole, and community-based correctional programs are presented in their historical, philosophical, social, and legal context. Theory and practice are integrated to the greatest extent possible. Prerequisite: CJS 202.
    • CJS 211
    • Introduction to Security Procedures
    • 3
    This course includes the historical and philosophical bases of security and a survey of administrative, personnel, and physical aspects of the field. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 215
    • White-Collar Crime
    • 3
    This course deals with the rise, nature, causes, and consequences of white-collar crime and addresses such subjects as corporate crime, occupational crime, financial crime, public corruption, technology- based crime, and policing and prosecuting white-collar crime.
    • CJS 221
    • Domestic Violence, Abuse & Neglect
    • 3
    A survey of domestic violence including spousal or partner battering, child abuse and child neglect, causes, effects, and consequences of domestic violence; judicial, law enforcement and other interventions to protect victims; practical applications of the law; assisting victims/clients with resource and referral assessment; and study of public policy, criminal justice, and legal issues and problems. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 224
    • Unequal Justice: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Class & the Law
    • 3
    Inscribed in large letters above the entrance to the Supreme Court of the United States are the words “Equal Justice under the Law.” These words represent the ideal of the American justice system - that law, legal procedures, and legal systems will treat people equally regardless of their race, gender, ethnic background, or social status. The reality of the criminal justice system, emphasizing historical and political foundations, will be explored through the study of gender, race, ethnicity, and class- based differences in law and criminal justice. Designated as a Criminal Justice course, this course may also be taken as a History/ Government elective. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CJS 225
    • Victimology
    • 3
    Students will explore the myths and realities pertaining to crime victims, including crime victim statistics, the dynamics of victimization (physical, emotional and/or financial harm), victims’ rights, exposure to how police, courts and related agencies treat victims, and the problems and solutions for special kinds of victims (children, women, sexual assault victims, elderly, drunk driver and bias or hate crime victims). Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • CHE 103
    • Introduction to Forensic Science
    • 4
    An introductory course focusing on use of science in solving criminal cases. Basics of chemical, physical, medical, and behavioral sciences will be used to preserve a crime scene and identify, collect, examine and interpret crime evidence to help the process of law. Topics include, but are not limited to, analysis of fiber, hair, body fluids, fingerprints, footprints, bullet residue, toxic substance, illegal drugs, explosives, DNA traces, tool marks, and documents. ENG 101, MAT 095 or higher strongly recommended, with “C” or better.
    • ENG 101
    • English Composition I
    • 3
    A required course for all students who have demonstrated acceptable writing proficiency as measured by a standard test or satisfactory completion of ENG 090. This course will emphasize developing the student’s ability to articulate his/her thoughts in writing a coherent, unified, and well- structured composition. The student will write a series of papers. The student will also learn the techniques needed to produce a library research paper. The required research paper is a major component of the course.
    • ENG 102
    • English Composition II
    • 3
    A required course, which introduces the student to themes and techniques in the basic genres of literature: the short story, drama, and poetry. Expository papers may be written in response to ideas embodied in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • HSV 200
    • Human Behavior and the Social Environment
    • 3
    This course provides a conceptual framework for organizing and analyzing knowledge of human behavior and the social environment with a focus on individuals and families. Social systems, life course, and assets and resiliency-based perspectives and theories are presented. Special attention is given to the impact of poverty, discrimination, and oppression on the ability to reach or maintain optimal health and wellbeing.
    • HSV 205
    • Substance Addiction Counseling
    • 3
    This course covers a variety of techniques and strategies in the successful understanding, treatment, and assessment of chemical addictions. Students will be taught causation including physiological and behavioral consequences, as well as prevention, intervention, and treatment methods from a systems approach. Students will use social work theories to evaluate programs and treatment models. Additional topics include substance abuse in: society, multiple life span stages and diverse population groups.
    • HSV 251
    • Introduction to Substance Addiction Studies
    • 3
    An introduction to the psychological, physical, and sociological factors in chemical dependence and abuse. Emphasis is on the history of the chemical problem, pharmacological aspects, different programs, student’s attitudes, and addiction in America.
    • HSV 260
    • Diverse Populations
    • 3
    An overview of the role of human diversity in social work practice. An examination of the differences as well as the similarities of the various populations in American Society. Topics to be addressed are race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. Barriers to cultural understanding and valuing diversity will also be explored.
    • SOC 101
    • General Sociology
    • 3
    An examination of the behavior of humans in social groups. Emphasis will be placed on concepts including culture, society, socialization, role, personality, institutions and social change. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • SOC 102
    • Contemporary Social Problems
    • 3
    An analysis of the chief areas of social mal-adjustment. Consideration is given to selected critical problems including race relations, ethic discrimination, changing sex role patterns, family dislocation, and an aging population, mental illness, crime, alcoholism and drug addiction.
    • PSY 101
    • General Psychology
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, major theories, different theoretical perspectives and research methods in psychology. The focus is on theories of personality, motivation, learning, intelligence, emotions, developmental processes, physiological psychology, perception, and psychological assessment. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • MAT 107
    • Statistics
    • 3
    Introduces the student to the fundamentals of mathematical statistics. Topics include frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability, sampling distributions, problems with normal and t-distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Students will be required to complete homework assignments using a web-based computer program. Prerequisite: Beginning Algebra MAT 097 or Equivalent or Permission of Instructor.
    • IDS 167
    • First Year Seminar
    • 3
    This experiential course welcomes students into the academic learning community of Quincy College. Centered around a yearly theme, the purpose of the course is to ensure that all new students connect to the Quincy College community. All sections provide students with college success strategies and each focuses on one of five different perspectives: 1) Humanities, 2) Social Sciences, 3) Civic Engagement, 4) Business, 5) Natural Sciences. The course is required for all new, degree-seeking students who have fewer than 12 college credits from another accredited institution. It is expected that students will take this course in their first semester at QC.
    • EXP 397
    • Internship
    • 3
    This course is designed to allow students to continue an existing internship or begin a new one. Intended as a followup to EXP 297, it will combine classroom theory with practical application through job related experiences. Students will produce an updated cover letter and resume. This internship consists of working a minimum of 120 hours, as well as attending meetings with the faculty supervisor to discuss issues, problems, and rewards in the real world of professional engagement. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and successful completion of EXP 297.

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