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Healthcare Administration

Associate of Science Degree


The Healthcare Administration Program is mainly designed for students who anticipate transferring to a baccalaureate degree-granting institution. The course of study is interdisciplinary and includes the college general education curriculum and courses specific to administration and healthcare as well as general liberal arts.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student should be able to:

  • Outline the ethical considerations that influence healthcare decision making.
  • Identify the role and function of a database.
  • Differentiate between U.S. healthcare systems and other countries’ systems.
  • Identify the role of customer service and a business strategy in the healthcare setting.
  • Show knowledge of healthcare finance structures.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a professional manner.


Academic Division of Professional Programs

Healthcare Administration Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • ACC 101
    • Accounting I
    • 3
    This is an introductory course in accounting with the emphasis on the basic accounting cycle, management use of accounting data, construction and analysis of financial statements, and valuation of assets. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • ART 103
    • Line, Color & Design
    • 3
    This course explores the principles underlying effective design. Students study the dynamics of line, shape, color, texture, and pattern by experimenting with black and white and colored media. Students purchase their own materials.
    • BUS 101
    • Introduction to Business
    • 3
    The role, growth, structure, and functional organization of modern business in the U.S. economy is explored. Comparative economic systems, forms of business, sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and the management, marketing, and financing of business organizations are covered. Opportunities in the business field are examined throughout the course. Students will be expected to complete outside research as a course requirement. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended
    • BUS 202
    • Principles of Customer Service
    • 3
    This course examines the principles of customer service and their significance in a service-driven economy. Topics covered include: The Service Strategy, The Customer: Internal & External; Customers’ Wants & Needs; Communicating Customer Service; Profiles of Successful Companies; Service People-Motivation, Commitment, and Reward. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended.
    • BUS 211
    • International Business
    • 3
    This course provides an historical background and discussion of theoretical foundations of international business. Analysis of international institutions and factors that influence commercial activities among nations and the operation of firms are included. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly recommended. Prerequisite BUS 101.
    • CSA 213
    • Database Management
    • 3
    This course is designed to introduce the fundamental process of developing, implementing, and maintaining a database system in order to produce management information.
    • ENG 101
    • English Composition I
    • 3
    A required course for all students who have demonstrated acceptable writing proficiency as measured by a standard test or satisfactory completion of ENG 090. This course will emphasize developing the student’s ability to articulate his/her thoughts in writing a coherent, unified, and well- structured composition. The student will write a series of papers. The student will also learn the techniques needed to produce a library research paper. The required research paper is a major component of the course.
    • ENG 102
    • English Composition II
    • 3
    A required course, which introduces the student to themes and techniques in the basic genres of literature: the short story, drama, and poetry. Expository papers may be written in response to ideas embodied in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 224
    • Writing for Professionals
    • 3
    Students develop writing techniques and conventions peculiar to magazine writing, advertising, business, technical writing, and editorializing. Ads, technical articles, reports, abstracts, manuals, and documentation will be practiced.
    • FIN 202
    • Health Care Finance
    • 3
    The course focuses on health care finance as practiced within health care organizations, such as, hospitals, physician practices, clinics, home health agencies and managed care organizations. It covers the principles and applications of accounting and financial management. The course is organized around three critical elements: 1) the use of accounting information for decision making, 2) as a business the health care industry has some critical differences from other industries; and 3) the principles of economics are the conceptual basis for decision making.
    • HCA 104
    • Health Care Delivery Systems
    • 3
    The course introduces students to the historical development, structure, operation, and current and future directions of the major components of the American health care delivery system. It examines the ways in which health care services are organized and delivered, the influences that impact health care public policy decisions, factors that determine the allocation of health care resources and the establishment of priorities, and the relationship pf health care costs to measurable benefits. The course enables students to access the role of organized efforts to influence health policy formulation, and the contributions of medical technology, delivery system. Additionally, this course provides an orientation to key health care statistical information.
    • HSC 140
    • Medical Terminology
    • 3
    This course provides a foundation for the understanding of medical terms, their abbreviations, basic anatomy and physiology as well as pathological conditions. It includes the study of prefixes and suffixes and root/stem words as well as medical technology terms with an emphasis on spelling, pronunciation, definitions and common usage. This course is similar to learning a foreign language and involves the memorization as well as the application of words/terms. The student will study and demonstrate proficiency in spelling, pronouncing, definition and application of medical terms.
    • IDS 155
    • Critical Thinking & Writing
    • 3
    This course provides students with a foundation and practice in thinking clearly and critically. Practice includes developing writing skills that will enable students to clearly present claims to support their conclusions and avoid reinforcing biases. Practice in thinking clearly includes the opportunity to analyze and discuss various types of media - including television, cinema and print - to determine which sources provide the most reliable information and to identify faulty thinking. Topics addressed include the relationship between critical thinking and clear writing, credibility of sources, rhetorical devices, fallacies, unclear or misleading language, and the characteristics of various types of arguments.
    • IDS 167
    • First Year Seminar
    • 3
    This experiential course welcomes students into the academic learning community of Quincy College. Centered around a yearly theme, the purpose of the course is to ensure that all new students connect to the Quincy College community. All sections provide students with college success strategies and each focuses on one of five different perspectives: 1) Humanities, 2) Social Sciences, 3) Civic Engagement, 4) Business, 5) Natural Sciences. The course is required for all new, degree-seeking students who have fewer than 12 college credits from another accredited institution. It is expected that students will take this course in their first semester at QC.
    • PHL 103
    • Medical Ethics
    • 3
    This course will examine a number of value problems arising from the broader context of ethical systems and explore them within the context of medicine and health care. Among the ethical problems, particular considerations will be given to euthanasia, abortion, genetic research, and human experimentation. Issues of medicine and the public interest will also be discussed. Open to all students. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • SOC 112
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • 3
    An experience-based introduction to the concepts and skills in oral communication; listening, feedback, group discussions, speeches, self-disclosure and relational communication.
    • PSY 101
    • General Psychology
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, major theories, different theoretical perspectives and research methods in psychology. The focus is on theories of personality, motivation, learning, intelligence, emotions, developmental processes, physiological psychology, perception, and psychological assessment. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • HCA 103
    • Information Systems in Healthcare Management
    • 3
    Through this course students will define the strategic use of information systems, perform a range of applications and understand information system planning and management in healthcare. Applications include financial management, human resource management, supply chain management, medical records, clinical decision support, and emerging applications. Planning and management topics include data security; IT cost, systems interoperability, project management, IT implementation and governance. Prerequisites: ENG 101 and CSI 101.
    • HCA 108
    • Electronic Health Records
    • 3
    This course introduces the student to Electronic Health Records (EHR). The student will learn to identify both terminology of the (EHR) systems and purpose of the EHR system in the health care provider office setting. The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with the role of Electronic Health Records and software applications for patient care. Prerequisites: HSC 107, HSC 140, CSI 101.
    • MBC 120
    • Insurance Claims Procedures
    • 3
    This course will develop the skills necessary to complete insurance forms and solve common medical insurance problems through a series of courses that emphasize the knowledge of insurance terminology, diagnostics, procedural coding and records management. This course introduces specific insurance reimbursement policies and procedures and emphasizes procedures for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Prerequisites: HSC 140, HSC 149.
    • MGT 201
    • Principles of Management
    • 3
    An introductory course covering the general topics of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Included are the historic developments of management as a separate discipline within organizations, the changing scope and styles of management, and the application of management principles in the business environment. Prerequisite: BUS 101.
    • MGT 203
    • Human Resources Management
    • 3
    A study of the applied approach to human resource management and administration. Emphasis is placed on policy analysis, current practices, future trends, and legal requirements of recruiting, selecting, training, developing, compensating, evaluating and disciplining employees. Also included are changing demographics of the workforce, ethics in human resources management, and other current issues. Requires research on selected topics. Prerequisites: MGT 201, ENG 101 (suggested).
    • MKT 202
    • Principles of Marketing
    • 3
    A survey of the principles and practices governing the distribution of commodities from producer to consumer. Areas of study include types of marketing institutions, price policy, legislation affecting markets, market research, channel and product strategies and consumer behavior. Prerequisite: ENG 101.

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