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Liberal Arts: Humanities

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Degree


The focus of the Liberal Arts Program is to provide the student with a breadth of program offerings in a chosen field of study. Liberal Arts students may focus their program in the following concentration areas: Behavioral Science, English, Government, History, Humanities, Psychology, or Social Science. All concentration electives must be selected in the chosen area of study.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program, the student should be able to:

  • Compose well-structured, unified and coherent expository assignments.
  • Demonstrate information literacy through research assignments.
  • Apply the principles of critical thinking to assess required readings and points of discussion.
  • Describe the social, political and philosophical contexts that inform a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Describe the diverse cultural and behavioral influences on a Liberal Arts concentration.
  • Apply a theoretical understanding to practical problems in a Liberal Arts field (Behavioral Science, English, History/Government, Humanities, Psychology, Social Science, or Sociology).


Academic Division of Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts: Humanities Courses
    • Code
    • Course
    • Credits
    • ARA 101
    • Arabic I
    • 3
    This course teaches spoken and written modern standard Arabic. Discussions of cultural topics will enable students to develop written and spoken skills in Arabic. Materials will follow a standard textbook, but the curriculum, using learner-centered language teams and a wide variety of resources, will also challenge students who wish to improve their knowledge of the writing system.
    • ARA 102
    • Arabic II
    • 3
    A continuation course in modern standard Arabic. Learners will consolidate alphabetic skills, expand literary and social vocabulary, and further develop communicative ability in Arabic. Classroom conversation will rely increasingly on Arabic to build confidence in speech, and varied texts will help learners improve reading comprehension. Readings in English on cultural topics may be used to stimulate thinking, writing, and discussion in Arabic. This is a learner-centered, communicatively oriented course. Prerequisite: ARA 101 or equivalent.
    • ART 119
    • Photography I
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to photography as an art of visual communication. Topics discussed are camera basics, exposure, lenses, lighting and composition. Image editing using Photoshop covers the sequence for an optimal workflow. Additional topics include file management, retouching and creating composite images. Photo assignments require the student to have access to a camera, preferably a single-lens reflex.
    • ART 120
    • Photography II-Photojournalism
    • 3
    This course explores the visual communication skills necessary to produce an in-depth photo story with an emphasis on the photojournalism and documentary traditions of photography. Students refine their skills through shooting assignments within the context of historical and contemporary examples. This course expands and advances the digital techniques and Photoshop skills mastered in Digital Photography I. Photo assignments require the student to have access to a camera, preferably a single-lens reflex. Prerequisite: ART 119.
    • ART 150
    • Modern Drama
    • 3
    This course provides an introduction to craft and art of drama, including a close study of technique and subject, and selected plays. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ART 201
    • Survey of Fine Arts I
    • 3
    Emphasis is on developing an appreciation of the fundamental principles that are basic to all forms of fine arts. Consideration is given to pictorial art, music, sculpture, and architecture. Visual and audio-visual aids are used. Field trips are taken to nearby museums.
    • ART 202
    • Survey of Fine Arts II
    • 3
    Beginning with the fourteenth century, this course examines the technical, social, historical, and stylistic development of visual arts and architecture from the Renaissance through the Modern Era. Museum trips may be included.
    • ART 229
    • American Film
    • 3
    This course will trace cinema in America from the era of the silent film and the studio system to the world of wide screen & “auteur” productions. It will demonstrate how movies began, grew, and changed through the interaction of inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, and audiences.
    • ART 230
    • Art & Society
    • 3
    Students will analyze the ways in which visual, musical, and dramatic artists respond to cultural movements and events, and explore how art shapes a society’s response to those events. Students learn how different branches of the fine arts influence one another during important epochs. Prerequisite: 12 credits ART/MUS concentration electives.
    • CHN 101
    • Chinese I
    • 3
    This course teaches both spoken and written modern standard Mandarin Chinese. Discussions of cultural topics will enable students to develop written and spoken skills in Mandarin. Materials will follow a standard textbook using simplified character and pinyin, but the curriculum, using learner-centered language teams and a wide variety of resources, will also challenge students who wish to improve their knowledge of the traditional writing system.
    • CHN 102
    • Chinese II
    • 3
    A continuation course in modern standard Mandarin Chinese. Students will build literary vocabulary systematically through structural analysis of written characters. Classroom conversation will increasingly use Mandarin to build confidence in speaking. Readings in English on extensive cultural topics may be used to stimulate thinking and discussion in Mandarin. Students with higher but partial knowledge of a form of Chinese are welcomed into this learner-centered, communicatively oriented course. Prerequisite: CHN 101 or equivalent.
    • ENG 103
    • Non-Fiction Writing
    • 3
    This course offers practice in articulating logical thought and in writing for college courses. The focus is to help students shape and extend their thought into coherent expository essays. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 111
    • Speech Communication
    • 3
    Special attention is given to developing self-confidence and skill in oral communication by affording each student an opportunity to participate in a maximum number of speech situations. Practice situations include extemporaneous speeches, panel discussions, and evaluative listening.
    • ENG 151
    • Shakespeare
    • 3
    Introduction to the works of William Shakespeare, emphasizing the presentation of the major plays through books, stage, and film. Students will read representative comedies, tragedies, and histories and analyze these plays in either live performance or through classic film adaptations. The sonnets and lyrical romances will also be briefly addressed as part of the greater body of Shakespeare’s works. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 201
    • English Literature I
    • 3
    This survey course explores the successive controlling concepts behind English literature from the Anglo-Saxon to the Neo-Classical periods. The course seeks to acquaint the student with the techniques and transformation of the literary genres as well as with the major authors and schools of writing. Required are the reading, analysis, and appreciation of representative literary masters who have influenced subsequent literature and thought. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 202
    • English Literature II
    • 3
    This survey course explores the predominant cultural concepts underlying the literature of the England from the Pre-Romantic period to the Post-Atomic. It will examine the techniques and transformations of the literary genres in each succeeding period as well as sample the writings of representative authors. Involves the reading, analysis, and appreciation of works which have shaped modern literature and thought. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 211
    • American Literature I
    • 3
    This course is a general survey of early American Literature covering the major writers from Captain Smith through the Fireside Poets. The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to representative authors with emphasis on the major writers. Critical papers may be assigned periodically. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 212
    • American Literature II
    • 3
    This course is a general survey of the significant prose, fiction, and poetry of American writers, beginning with Whitman, and continuing with Twain, James Eliot, Hemingway, and Faulkner. Critical papers may be assigned periodically. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 221
    • World Literature I
    • 3
    This course samples great literature of the West from the Hebrew Bible and Homeric epics to Greek drama and Roman prose. The focus is on how these masterpieces have molded the Western mind and influenced all subsequent literary efforts. Works will be read in the best modern translations. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 222
    • World Literature II
    • 3
    This course reviews European literature by tracing the succession of artistic concepts from the Sacramentalism of the middle Ages to the Romanticism of the Revolutionary Age to the Existentialism of the Modern Period. The readings, in translation, represent a medley of nations, genres, and geniuses. Prerequisites: ENG 102 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 225
    • Creative Writing I
    • 3
    This course will focus on the experience of writing as a creative activity with emphasis on the methods of writing imaginative prose and poetry. Fictional techniques, such as the methods of narration and descriptive style, will be discusses. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of instructor.
    • ENG 226
    • Creative Writing II
    • 3
    A continuation of the writing of serious, artful fiction, poetry, or drama. Classroom consideration of craft. Individual discussion of the student’s work. Prerequisites: ENG 101, ENG 225.
    • ENG 230
    • Journalism
    • 3
    This course explores the role of journalism in a free democratic society to help students develop their skills in journalistic writing. Students learn to structure and edit various types of stories, explore types of reporting, the differences between reportage and editorializing, the ethical issues journalists face daily, and the legal implications of a free press. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • ENG 231
    • Modern Novel
    • 3
    This course examines the development of the modern novel in the twentieth century, and traces the social and personal values reflected in them. Additionally, the course will examine such themes as the rites of passage, the role of the individual within society, the role of nature, and the perception of women and minorities. A number of novels will be read for enjoyment and analysis. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 233
    • Crime and Detective Fiction
    • 3
    This course examines various types of suspense literature from the 19th century to the present, including mystery, detective novel, crime, and the mystery adventure novel. Topics to be examined during the semester: basic narrative formulas and structures; significance of the forms; detectives as focus for social values; significance and typical themes of detective and crime fiction; and the changing nature of the genre. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 235
    • Survey of Women Writers
    • 3
    This course will attempt to stimulate reading and discussion of the female experience as reflected in such authors as Woolf, Parker, McCullers, McCarthy, Oates, Plath, Lessing, and others. This women’s studies course will stress content rather than style. The novels and stories read by the class will deal with such topics as growing up and old as a female, relationships with men, freedom, madness, motherhood, romantic love, creativity, passivity, and marriage. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • ENG 237
    • Introduction to Science Fiction
    • 3
    This course surveys Science Fiction from the foundational classics of Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs to the modern masterpieces that continue to influence contemporary literature, films and computer gaming. Readings will include works from the Golden Age of Science Fiction, the New Wave of the 1960s and the contemporary Cyberpunk and Slipstream movements that are shaping Science Fiction writing today. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ENG 238
    • Literature of the Supernatural
    • 3
    This course examines the literature of the supernatural as a fundamental mode of literary understanding and as an inspiration for the works of great authors. Gothic tales, ghost stories, supernatural events, odd coincidences, and unexplainable phenomena are often the beginning of an imaginative approach to both life and literature. Students will encounter a wide range of literary examples, from stories and poetry drawn from the traditions of European and American romanticism and gothic tales to more modern modes of literary expressionism, surrealism, paranormal romance, and horror. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • ENG 239
    • Baseball Literature
    • 3
    This course will study the vibrant cultural meaning of baseball in the United States, from the origin of professional leagues in the late 19th century to the increasing nature of commercial competition which currently exists. Through literary readings and discussions addressing the history of baseball and the examination of literary texts the sport inspires, students will explore issues of American identity and discover how sport can be a manifestation of society as well as a mechanism for change. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
    • FRN 101
    • French I
    • 3
    This course stresses developing the student’s ability to speak, understand, read, and write French. Basic fundamentals of French grammar will be studied. Practice in pronunciation, progressive acquisition of basic vocabulary, and written and oral exercises are also covered. No previous study of French is required.
    • FRN 102
    • French II
    • 3
    A continuation of French I with emphasis still on speaking and understanding of oral French. The student will progress through basic fundamentals and further acquisition of a basic vocabulary. Prerequisite: FRN 101.
    • IDS 155
    • Critical Thinking & Writing
    • 3
    This course provides students with a foundation and practice in thinking clearly and critically. Practice includes developing writing skills that will enable students to clearly present claims to support their conclusions and avoid reinforcing biases. Practice in thinking clearly includes the opportunity to analyze and discuss various types of media - including television, cinema and print - to determine which sources provide the most reliable information and to identify faulty thinking. Topics addressed include the relationship between critical thinking and clear writing, credibility of sources, rhetorical devices, fallacies, unclear or misleading language, and the characteristics of various types of arguments.
    • IDS 175
    • Middle Eastern and Arabic Culture
    • 3
    This is an introductory course to Arabic culture and the Middle East. Its main focus is to expose students to the everyday life of the Arab world and its people. This course will cover the demographic, social, economic, and cultural aspects of the Arab world. Students will be exposed to a variety of primary and secondary sources such as literature, articles, films, online Arabic newspapers and news networks.
    • ITA 101
    • Italian I
    • 3
    A practical knowledge of contemporary conversational Italian acquired through hearing the spoken word and studying the basic language skills of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary building, and readings. Students are expected to develop an understanding of Italian culture.
    • ITA 102
    • Italian II
    • 3
    This course assists the student in gaining a solid understanding of the foundation of the language with strong emphasis on the four basic skills. Prerequisite: ITA 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • MUS 107
    • Music Appreciation
    • 3
    This course is designed to increase the enjoyment of music through broadened understanding. It includes music theory and history and guided listening to recorded performances by individuals and groups.
    • MUS 108
    • Development of American Jazz
    • 3
    Development of American Jazz is trip through the history of America’s only original art form. This course will trace the development of American jazz from the plantations of the antebellum south, through the mass migration north of southern African Americans and America’s melting pot mentality, to the brothels, bars and concert halls of Kansas City, New Orleans and New York. Jazz is a reflection of an American ideal and the uniqueness of the American experience. We will examine the development of the art through the social, political, cultural and historical events and ideas that shaped the music. This course is a lecture course with an emphasis on listening, analyzing and comparing and contrasting the different periods in jazz history. The student will study the roles of all the different instruments and how they evolved in each period in jazz, biographical material on all the great instrumentalists and composers, the vocabulary of the jazz world as they relate to the evolution of jazz and learn how to listen and appreciate jazz on many different levels. There is no prerequisite required to take this course.
    • MUS 109
    • History of Rock
    • 3
    This course introduces students to the musical styles present in the rock music genre and to historical and social aspects affecting its evolution over the past fifty years. Explore the form, texture, melody, rhythm, lyrics, and instrumentation of selected examples from the historical periods of Rock. Through critical listening, students will analyze music from various Rock periods: Blues Rock, Country Rock, Gospel Rock, Early Sixties Rock, The Beatles, The British Invasion, Folk Rock, Soul Music/Motown, and Rock in the 70s, 80s and 90s, and Jazz Rock.
    • MUS 110
    • Music Across Cultures
    • 3
    This course explores music across national boundaries in its cultural context. At the same time, it enhances the students’ listening, critical, and analytical skills along with their aesthetic ability. It is an excursion in non-western music with an emphasis on the cultures in which it flourished such as the selected music of China, Japan, India, Middle East, Latin America, Ethnic North America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. This course is open to music and non-music majors.
    • PHL 101
    • Introduction to Philosophy
    • 3
    This course is an introduction to Western philosophical thought. Students will be introduced to the vocabulary and the method of philosophical thinking. Basic questions concerning reality, knowledge, value (ethics) and society will be considered from several philosophical viewpoints-for example, idealism, materialism, empiricism, utilitarianism. Questions considered include: What is the nature of God? Is there good and evil? How can we know? What makes for a just society? Students will also be introduced to the historical development of important schools of philosophical thought, as well as to the life and contributions of their founders. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PHL 102
    • Topics in 20th Century Philosophy
    • 3
    This course will focus on a major trend in 20th Century philosophy. The organizational structure may be by problematic consideration such as religious or moral questions by philosophers who have voiced their ideas, such as Sartre or James, or by existing schools of inquiry, such as European Existentialism or American Pragmatism.
    • PHL 103
    • Medical Ethics
    • 3
    This course will examine a number of value problems arising from the broader context of ethical systems and explore them within the context of medicine and health care. Among the ethical problems, particular considerations will be given to euthanasia, abortion, genetic research, and human experimentation. Issues of medicine and the public interest will also be discussed. Open to all students. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PHL 105
    • Introduction to Logic & Critical Thinking
    • 3
    This course will focus on developing critical thinking and reasoning patterns for use by the individual to more effectively express his or her viewpoint, to better identify and rebut faulty logic, and to aid in the logical organization and presentation of ideas. Emphasis will be placed on everyday life situations. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PHL 108
    • Ethics
    • 3
    This course will introduce students to classical and contemporary moral theories, including those of Aristotle, Hobbes, Hume, Sumner, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Kant, Mill, Russell, Kohlberg, Tam, and Gilligan. Students will examine both civic and personal morality. Students will learn the basics of moral thinking, including the need for impartiality. They will learn about Cultural Relativism, Altruism, Self-Interest, Natural Law, Communitarianism, and Utilitarianism. Various theories will be applied to contemporary social issues. Students will formulate personal ethical frameworks as a foundation for their moral judgment. Critical thinking will be used as a primary tool in evaluating the quality and viability of historical contemporary, and personal ethical systems. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PHL 110
    • Major Religions of the World
    • 3
    This course will acquaint the student with a wide variety of religious traditions against their historical background and within their cultural context. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are among those religions which will be studied. In addition to class lectures, slides and films will be used in the presentation of the material. Placement at ENG 101 level strongly advised.
    • PHL 113
    • Death and Dying
    • 3
    This course is a philosophical, sociological and psychological study of death and dying that seeks to explore this universal experience in what is essentially a death denying society. Among the topics covered are the historical, cultural and religious attitudes toward death, the funeral service industry, the ideas of facing one’s own death and experiencing a “good death”, the physical and emotional processes involved in dying, grief and bereavement, mourning rituals, death and dying among children and adolescents, legal implications, suicide, end-of-life issues, euthanasia and death from a global perspective. Prerequisite: completion of ENG 101 or permission of the instructor.
    • SPN 101
    • Spanish I
    • 3
    This course is designed primarily to teach the fundamentals of Spanish through basic grammar as well as strong emphasis on conversation and writing. Aside from language skills, there is a special project on a Latin American country to introduce and familiarize students with its culture and politics.
    • SPN 102
    • Spanish II
    • 3
    This course is designed for an index grammar level. There is strong emphasis on conversational and writing skills, and each student will be responsible for an extensive paper on one Latin American country. Prerequisites: SPN 101.
    • SPN 201
    • Spanish III
    • 3
    A review of grammar with emphasis on correct usage in writing and the development of fluency through planned conversation. Reading is developed through the use of short stories of Hispanic culture, terminating with the reading of one of the classic Spanish novels. Prerequisites: SPN 102.

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