Wellness & Counseling
Our on-campus counselors provide free short-term counseling and support for all students. We offer a range of free services and support including talk therapy, wellness education, and alternative or additional resource referrals.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call our local Crisis number: Aspire Health Alliance (617) 774-6036
To make an appointment please get in touch with Shauna Sweeney or Melissa Lord.
Shauna Rowland, MA
Student Wellness Counselor
ssweeney@quincycollege.edu | (617) 984-1684
Melissa Lord, MS, LMHC
Student Program and Wellness Coach
mlord@quincycollege.edu | (617) 984-1683
Counseling FAQs
What are the signs that you may benefit from additional on-campus support?
If you are: feeling overwhelmed, feeling an increase in stress, feel sad, anxious, or alone, have difficulty concentrating, feeling unmotivated or having less energy
Who do I reach out to?
On-Campus and Virtual Support:
Shauna Rowland, MA
Student Wellness Counselor
Email: srowland@quincycollege.edu | Phone: (617) 984-1684
Melissa Lord, MS, LMHC
Student Program and Wellness Coach
Email: mlord@quincycollege.edu | Phone: (617) 984-1683
Are the conversations private? What are the rules of confidentiality?
Yes, all appointments are always confidential and private. However, there are instance where confidentiality must be broken if:
- A student has thoughts of hurting themself
- A student has thoughts of hurting someone else
- A student’s immediate safety is at risk
How frequently can I book an appointment? How long are the appointments?
On average, sessions are once a week for approximately 45 minutes. However, counselors are available Monday through Thursday 9-5 and Fridays 8:30-4 p.m. so you can stop by and meet with either counselor at your convenience. Appointments can be made in-person, online via zoom or by phone. All Quincy College students enrolled in classes and located in the state of Massachusetts can receive counseling support.
To make an appointment, please contact Shauna Sweeney or Melissa Lord.
Are walk-ins allowed?
Students are welcome to stop by Melissa’s office or Shauna’s office on the 3rd Floor President’s Place, appointments are not required. Counselors are also available on-site in Plymouth on a rotating basis.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call our local Crisis number: Aspire Health Alliance 617-774-6036