Quincy College to host forum on substance use

Quincy College to host forum on substance use
The Quincy Granite Men's soccer team (1-9) continues to play solid in the tough NJCAA Region 21 schedule
As the education landscape changes and more adult learners return to campus for skill building, workforce development, and educational opportunity, Quincy College continues to be a regional and national leader in higher education.
As the 2019-2020, Quincy College Men’s Soccer season began, Granite Head Idris Senyonjo knew it would take his young team time to jell at the start of a tough schedule in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Region 21 competition.
Quincy College President Michael G. Bellotti and the Quincy College Trust recognized patrons and donors supporting Quincy College's mission at a donor appreciation reception held at Alba Restaurant in Quincy on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00pm.
Kim Tuncliffe of WBZ 1030 Boston News Radio Interview Quincy College President Michael G. Bellotti about a 2-year scholarship awarded to Donlop " Loppy" Munnings, a Bahamian Native impacted by Hurricane Dorian.