ARC/STSA conducted a site visit in November of 2017 and released their findings in the Spring of 2018 concluding that Quincy College's Surgical Technology Program exceeded all accreditation standards.

ARC/STSA conducted a site visit in November of 2017 and released their findings in the Spring of 2018 concluding that Quincy College's Surgical Technology Program exceeded all accreditation standards.
In the Fall of 2018, Quincy College will begin offering the Criminal Justice and Business Associates Degree programs 100% online. These two academic programs are available for online students throughout the continental United States with the exception of California. The academic programs are offered in pathways and students may enroll as full-time or part-time.
Roxanne Mihal Directed Post-Graduate Practical Nursing Department at Blue Hills Regional High School
Marshfield resident and Quincy College student Aidan Doust has built a machine with the potential to automate the manual shellfish upwelling aquaculture process.
Quincy College student, Aidan Doust has designed a inter-disciplinary, 3D printed, Engineering marvel that has automated the manual shellfish upwelling aquaculture process as part of an open ended final for an Introduction to Aquaculture course
“Together, in response to industry demand, we’re creating a dedicated pipeline of skilled biomanufacturing professionals,” said Bruce Van Dyke, chair of Quincy’s Biotechnology and Good Manufacturing Practice program